
I keep focusing on the quote "possible fetus." So...if you're not entirely sure you're seeing a fetus (which I'm sure it is) maybe she was early enough along that she had no idea she was even pregnant. Or hell, there's a whole show on TLC where women give birth into their toilets because they didn't know/were in

I'm with you. I really hope they were joking. (Edited that in. Maybe my sarcasm reader is broken today.) :)

Miscarriage insinuates the "little tyke" wasn't carried to term. So does the word "fetus." In fact, if you click through the link, the term the original story used was "possible fetus." (As Lindy quoted.) I think it's fair to assume there's no tyke here.

As she's an art major, it goes without saying that the subject matter will always be subjective - that's what art is. But I'd wager a guess that you didn't hear her out on the 3 minute video. Gal pal is really thoughtful, poignant, descriptive & creative. She's thought this through about what the project will entail.

Yeah, I'll take any side eye gif seriously other than Lea Michele. ugh.

I know, I hear you - I was definitely back and forth on it, but I personally tend to smile and nod at wedding dresses, because everybody has their personal style. I wouldn't personally do this, but I think if you're going to embroider your kids' drawings, you might as well go big or go home.

I've admittedly never been an Angelina fan, but she looks so happy, so elegant & I just love the way she incorporated both her children IN the wedding & their artwork on her veil. So lovely.

And we are the "weaker sex." Sure.

Hahaha I hear ya! I'm broke as a joke. I have no shame eating good in my neighborhood. ;)

Ugh. I am all for having a bunch of events lined up if a lot of family and friends are going to be in town, but making them alllll optional, especially in a big city. Want to stay an extra day and take a boozy boat cruise around the river, but don't want to come out and go to a baseball game? Cool! See you for boat

Nothing some cheddar and a slanket can't fix...

So fucking right.

"A motorist, who came upon the crash and called 911, told investigators he saw Klinger sitting on a face-down Heller beside the car."

I'm glad you had already started guarding yourself by cutting off contact - I went through a year of that with my dude, but I'm fairly certain I would've been a mess, so kudos to you! I hear you on "seeing him," though. He has a really common SUV/color combination that I see ALL the time and my heart leaps every time.

Thank you, seriously. You perfectly described what I feel, 100%. I'm well aware that he goes on dates (he's fucking beautiful and we live 700 miles apart now so of COURSE he does) but I don't want to see/know/hear anything about them. Ever. When we were having a seriously OFF moment in our "whatever" it was between

Good grief with your novel.

Fucking. Brilliant! God, that was like a huge light bulb just came on, thank you! What a great way to look at it, I'm definitely trying that immediately.

Ohhhh balls. Did the sudden marriage wreck you?? I think that's the only thing that would kill me initially. My fella has dated others during our on/off nonsense and that didn't bother me, at one of our VERY off times, he actually was shortly engaged to a former girlfriend and finding out about that knocked the wind

Oh my GOD, that was like reading an incredible romance novel! (That's not an insult, by the way, haha) What a beautiful story. And I won't give up hope, no matter how much I tell myself otherwise, especially because he once said to me, "you know we're going to wind up married, right? Nobody else gets me like you do."

Dude, of course white privilege exists and is a RAMPANT problem. I'm quite aware of the privilege being white has given me. Racism is unfortunately alive & well even now toward the end of 2014. However, the point here is the majority of the art showcased is by European artists, paid by whitey whiterson to paint their