
Right? It's because if they were looking for some "hot cyber action," they hung out in rooms specifically for that. You could try to ask A/S/L in the other rooms, but they were mostly ignored until they went away. Now it's a free-for-all. And I'm not even that offended anymore, just annoyed. Even when the porn gif


Haha, thanks. I just love taking the wind out of their sails, because then he sends a rough response about patriarchy (spelled incorrectly) and objectification and then scurries away. Good one, bro!

That is some Barbarella shit right there, not Star Wars! If I could share photos/video, I'd put the clip of Jane Fonda undressing in the opening credits riiiiiiight HERE.

Right? I feel like we can't go anywhere but down.

You're so right, it's a total double-edged sword, and I share the exact reasons you listed. I've been a part of some really beautiful conversation here sharing some really difficult things because nobody knows who you are and it's safe, and I've also had people say they want to orgasm in my mouth, like the dude on

Oh, well then no devil-clown whore shaming whatsoever! Wear your lineage with pride! ;)(Seriously, though. Okay, so this thread isn't the most in-depth intellectual one I've ever been a part of, but shit, gotta have some milk with my coffee...)

Edited to add, ha.

Yes! I was so pleased to see that change - while there's still plenty of snark and occasional rudeness, I also noticed people are more apt to explain why they disagree instead of resorting to name-calling, etc. Also, I am a huge fan of the Facebook page moderator, Scott. Dude's witty, calm & helpful.

Valid point! They definitely needed a reward for their hard day!

That's fair. I will definitely own that. Not my scene.

Someone mentioned something along those lines, and you're totally right. I know anonymity does help in certain situations. I'm just so fed up with stories like this.

Oh, I know it's flawed, and I am right there with you. Even though I said it, I don't even completely want it, because anonymity does provide certain freedoms. I just get so sick of stories like this. I echo your statement about balance.

Right?? I figured he would've gotten that one right, as I'm sure he types it at least 20 times a day...

I'd completely agree with your comment. I never remember things being this vile or violent, and I used to wander around AOL chat rooms as a bored teenager. And I don't know what's wrong with them. I'd like to have some honest conversation with them and just learn their motivation past trying to upset someone.

Oh, I know. I dismissed a few uncreative ones. Sometimes I just like to take the wind right out of their sails and dish it right back to them.

I was gonna say, I thought it was pretty on point!

I didn't say it, no worries! Yes, it's blue-based, which is my pale skin's best friend. :)

And I'll be snarking right along next to you. :)

No no, not at all! I hear where you're coming from, I completely agree.