
You have the right. It's a different mourning than his family or friends, sure, but you listed 4 reasons that he'll always be a part of our lives. And Mrs. Doubtfire! 5! Good Will Hunting, 6! :) To lose someone that gave the gift of laughter in such a devastating way...I mourn right along with you.

I hear you, friend. I've had tears off and on since I heard.

Thank you for your heart, Mark.

This one is hitting me hard.

People like you make me sad. Not for of the trolling, because whatever. Trolls rarely succeed in getting a rise out of someone aside from a mild annoyance. But because you're taking the sad news about an incredible entertainer & making it about how all women hate all men. He was a husband and a father. Have an ounce

I just said the same thing - so glad someone is joining me with that cheer!

Bangarang, Peter. May you fly free.

HAHAHA, best response EVER. That seems valid to me.

Wow, didn't even think about that! Excellent point.

I would honestly like to hear from someone who would do this, and why. Now, my honest reaction is what a waste of money! but then again, I'm broke so obviously I couldn't consider it. I love animals, but every pet we've had has been buried in our yard (rural home on 3 acres of land) or the remains have been disposed

I've been around here for years - first as a reader/lurker without an account, then a burner because I only sparingly commented, then I bit the bullet and realized it was much easier to have an account and got one (mostly because lazy.) I honestly hadn't seen the rape gifs until this last couple of weeks, so I can't be

So sorry, I missed this coming in on Friday! I couldn't agree more with everything you said. There's definitely a heavy dose of emotional blackmail, (great term, by the way!) And that burn victim nonsense? Holy cow, who thought that was okay??

Hey, I did. As I mentioned in the thread (which is quick scan on your part) I tried to find information on it but couldn't find any other info regarding donation spikes, only about how this is "raising awareness." I realize Mr. Frates has ALS. Then, I told the person who shared the information I was looking for with

haaaahahahaha!!! It did indeed! Thank you!

Girl, you didn't hijack a THING. I'm so glad you spoke up. We need to support each other. I've had depression issues since I was 14. I'm so glad to know someone else that's feeling this struggle! Good to know a friend.

Oh girl, I HEAR YOU. How far are you from Chicago?? Because come visit. We can grab a drink and talk about all the youths.

Okay, according to the google and then Groupthink, this is how we do it: "If they reply to you and you dismiss their reply, you can then respond to it and the thread won't appear on GT anymore and becomes a private message (sort of, anyway) that you'll still get notifications for.

The dirty 30 here, no worries! I'll follow you on here and see if there's some way to connect!

God, that's the truth, isn't it? Sorry you're in the same boat. Well, not the SAME boat, because then we wouldn't be lonely anymore! ;)

Sweet fancy moses, PLEASE. And bonus points to the friendship? You can send all the D you get offered my way. ;)