
That helps, seriously. Thank you.

Hahaha well now I want to know what you redacted. ;)

Augh, that would be great! It'd be awesome to connect with someone feeling the same way.

Perfect, thank you!! I love a recommendation!

HAHAHAHA. My daughter died in a tragic blueberry related accident! You JERK.

HI! Holy cow, it's so great. I'm SO glad I moved here, it's just the transition that's kicking me in the ass!

Thanks! And good luck to you, that's a big move! I'm sure you're going to be awesome!

I'd forgotten about all the options there, that's a great idea! Not to mention the fact that everything has been "me me me" since moving, it'd be nice to give some time to a different organization.

Hahaha! No blueberry. :) And thank you, I can always count on Jez to make me smile.

HAHAHA "did you eat at the dining hall?" I am laughing so hard. Ugh, it's the worst, isn't it?? I knew you at a different time, and we were close/friends/acquaintances, but so much life has happened since...

Awesome idea! And there's a library within walking distance! I've been there for books but never thought to check out other options they offer. Thanks for the idea. :)

I'm totally loving the chance to really hear myself (that sounds totally lame, but hopefully you know what I mean) but I always get to a point where I've had enough alone time & ready to hangout with someone...and then there's no one to call. I'm being too hard on myself and try to make the most of it, but damn it'd

Boo, no! I just left Nashville, now in Chicago!

Do you mean the people already established here? If so, YES AWKWARD. It's hard to approach those people. Hi! I see from Facebook you're still in Chicago, can we hang out because I'm super lonely? Hahaha.

Thank you for the hug, it really does go a long way! Unfortunately, no. Was in Nashville, now in Chicago. :)

That's a good idea - I could always pick something new, hmm...

Yeah, I mentioned that, (no worries, I know my message was way too long.) :) I've tried them but it's a bit exhausting over and over. I'm trying to put myself out there! I am thankful for that site though. At least it provides me options!

I was 11 hours from home, now I'm 5-6ish. I wanted to get out of the south, now I'm in the north. I wanted a bigger city, so I picked one. I wanted to distance myself from a dysfunctional relationship. I had just finally graduated college. I was about to turn 30. I was unhappy where I was. I LOVE this now, but I miss

Wow, so I'm lonely. New city, don't know many people, both of my roommates are actively dating someone, only part-time work right now so I don't go out in an effort to save money...it's rough, isn't it? I'm a very social person and feed off time with others, but going out with my roommates' established friends is

What in the ever-loving hell?! I couldn't get through half of those responses. Every single one of those trolly mc douchenozzles are here because their mothers menstruated.