
That's true! I do believe their stance on mental health is completely unsafe. And I'll give it a watch, thanks for the link!

Haha, how does that not makes sense? Okay, bro. I have a feeling anything I'll say at this point will be "wrong."

My uncle's brother's dog is a bounty hunter for people that spam forums with job listings. Consider yourself warned.

Yessss! Giraffes are so awkward, and prehistoric, and cute and bizarre and graceful all at the same time and I cannnnnnot get enough!

Holy crap, look at how adorable she is!

I'm liking your comment in agreement, because I want to know all of these things about giraffes as well. DO giraffes lie down? BRB running to Google.

Ooo, now I want to watch that. I'm utterly fascinated by Scientology. My honest thought is "how can anyone believe this," which is what I know people are thinking about my Christianity, thus making the world go 'round. ;)

Huh? I said I used it. "I clearly offended you by using the word dying." I used it. 100% all me. I don't think it will ever die, as you said there will always be news to report. It's definitely had to change and adapt. What I should have said is that the journalism of yesterday is dying.

I totally understand the wariness. The guy is a creep. And yes, links!

I agree, I love reading & learning about all religions. Truly fascinating stuff. Have you ever spent some time reading about Scientology, by the way? o_O To each their own, but wow, that's some really heavy stuff!

Sorry! I meant to answer your question then got off on a rant about it, (go figure.) It's nondenominational. And I totally hear you - my faith will always come with a dash of agnosticism. I too am a science fan, and don't doubt the world was formed in that way, which confuses my religious and atheist friends alike! :)

Oof, right? Thankfully, this has been a peaceful conversation for the most part, save for a few people. The funny thing is I'd go toe-to-toe with anyone who tried to convert or pray for someone in the name of Christianity if they didn't ask for it. But this story is about a Christian organization, so I'm not sure why

I think you're totally right. It was always my understanding that they were somehow affiliated, but I think that's inaccurate. Either way, Bell was pushed out of his church for more or less being "too liberal," which means his theology probbbbably lines right up with mine. Haha! :)

"For the fuck of shit, dude" is officially my new favorite saying. Hahahaha.

Ahhh, I missed this in all the comments! LOVE that gif, hahaha!

Great to hear from you! He & his message scare me. I genuinely worry for the women of his congregation.

Hahahaha thanks! I always forget to check under there.

Hahahaha "un-Christian like behavior." I really am sorry that happened to you. I don't understand the motivation to say things like that on these forums. Religion and religious institutions are completely flawed, aware of that. But as I just wrote to someone else, I'm 30. I've wrestled with my faith from Promised Land

OH MY GOD. I hate myself for looking at it, but I had to. I HAD TO.

Okay, that's cool, let's be clear. I'm personally glad he's been asked to step down. But! He has absolutely every right to believe and say what he wants. And the Acts 29 board has absolutely every right to believe that he's no longer fit to be on the board. Do I think Mark Driscoll can say whatever he wants? Sure. Do