
The point is she needn't hit an animal at all. I know you're trying to get a rise out of me by saying that, and that's cool. There's just no reason to hit an animal. Simple as that to me.

God, you said it!

Welp, I am officially not a fan of the side mullet (never having seen it before) but dammit if she's not hilarious! Must find more of her immediately!

Seriously! The animal has too much energy. Redirect, redirect, redirect.

God, thank you.. Kind of extremely tired of the people saying, "what else is she supposed to do?" Uh...literally anything, because this sure as hell isn't working.

Yes! I co-sign everything you just said! As a curvy gal, I'd like to see more women that actually look like me, but my sister has always been naturally slender, so I want to see her body, too. Not even asking for plus sized ladies in the ads, (although that would be great!) Just a range of the sizes you offer. So

Gotcha, gotcha! Sorry, my reply came off snarkier than intended now that I look at it again. Sometimes I hate that there's no tone on the interwebs.

I hear you, and I'm so sorry about your grandpa. How does pouring ice water on your head help the cause? Make an online donation of even $5, you self-centered wankers.

This is similar to that movement where people were taking makeup-free selfies to bring awareness to breast cancer? I think? I don't know, I was too blind from all the rage to remember what it said.

You're the second person that's said this to me. Every single time, I've said beating ON. I meant it as a synonym for hitting. I did not imply that she is holding the cat down and giving a beating, or even that she's a vile animal abuser, and I also used the words "slapping," and "hitting," so feel free to select the

Sheesh, I'll keep repeating myself instead of simply scrolling through the thread. I don't know, I'm no expert. I simply don't like anyone slapping or hitting animals. I just don't. Not denying that cat looks like a total asshole, but hitting him is clearly an effective way to get him to stop. Not to mention halfway

Sorry, dude. I don't like people that slap or hit animals. Just don't. Not saying the cat's not an asshole. I wouldn't want that cat, if this video is real and she's trying to place him with another home, I hope she's successful in her endeavors. But I just don't like it, and furthermore, it's clearly not an effective

I love animals and have had all kinds, but yeah...some cats are just not interested in the love, and as much as I love them, there are definitely some asshole cats. My parents' cat never liked ANYONE except for my mom and dad. He would hiss, growl, bite and claw at anyone else even if they just tried to pet him, but

Haha, oh there's no denying I wouldn't want a cat like that!

Let's read it again: beating ON. I'm sorry if you didn't like the term I used, but I didn't say she mercilessly beat the cat. I also used slapping and hitting, so you can take your pick of whatever word you think is appropriate. Also, I didn't say she was an animal abuser, you implied that I did. However, if she

Man, I'd definitely be at the end of my rope if my pet was constantly attacking like that, but clearly the beating on his head doesn't make him stop, either!

Yeah, that doesn't work. That just instills fear into the animal. It might know you're dominant, but it's also going to be on the defensive and attack, too. Damn.

HAHAHA. You BASTARD. Just kidding. A defensive reaction is one thing, but she clearly makes a habit out of beating on this cat, so girl you asking for some bites.

Hey, I wouldn't want a pet that constantly bites or scratches me, I get that. But I don't like people who resort to slapping or beating on animals, no matter how evil they might be.

No joke, jeez! No denying there are some mean, mean animals out there, but if you hit it, it's going to start defending itself.