
Yes, because 19-year-olds ALWAYS have all of their emotions in check!

In soviet Russia, orangutan fingerbangs you.

WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?! My cousins had a big shed full of chicks on their farm (AKA the loudest heaven ever. You go in and play with fluffy little things but their shrill peep peep peeping blew out your eardrums.)

And I thought Bristol, Tennessee, so I'm right there with you.

So I know he's just a troll & a really piss poor one at that, but damn, what a fucking asshole. All because you used hyperbole. God forbid.

Pantsless is really the only way to go. Except to work. You should still wear pants to work.

HAHA! I feel the same way! There are some REALLY genius people in the comment section at Gawker Media. Some super terrible ones that make the comment section horrible too, but I think the good outweighs the bad.

Hahahaha, been there! Nothing feels quite so classy as when liquid comes out of one's nose.

#I hate #when #people#hashtag random words #in their tweets.

Don't we all?!

Exactly! I used to say absolutely no way, but who the hell knows. haha!

I try to imagine what I'd do if I were a celebrity, and I have to admit I'd maybe have a little filler here, a little something there if I was constantly being hounded by photogs and had an endless supply of dollar bills. But I have to hope that I'd also be proud that I'd even made it to 72, and that my face was a

Ha! Try to be. ;)

Threads like this make up for all the horrible, hateful trolls.

Hahaha! No offense taken, to each their own. She's not my favorite person in the world, but I'm definitely fascinated by yoga, so I enjoy her posts. That and their baby Carmen. That kid is cute!

Hahaha that image made me laugh so hard I choked on my own spit. We are quite the pair!

WOW, perfectly lovely for a woman of 72! She's obviously had some work done, but not even to the point of scary. I think she looks wonderful!

hahahahaha YAS. Continuously followed around by Clive, her personal spotlighter...

And now a reading from the book of Levi 5:01...

Ohhh, that would be MUCH better!