
Yes! I was just thinking I would read ALL the reviews if they were accompanied with photos like this. The last picture had me laughing out loud!

Yup. That's what I was referring to. But thanks for the explanation! :)

Puh-leeeeze let it be anatomy.

I can't stop looking at that picture of Babs, especially the fact that she's backlit and yet there's not the TINIEST shadow on her face.

I don't necessarily disagree with you, teenagers certainly can be awful. But...it's inappropriate to take off your pants at work, let alone be drunk. Methinks the blessing in disguise is they fired her before the school year began.

Hahahaha right now our two comments are the only one on this post. Yours is about your deep disdain for her, mine is about how much I like her. Aren't we just two peas in a pod?

Hilaria's Instagram account is consistently one of my favorites in my feed. That woman is a damn yogi ninja.

Hey, I just wanted you to know that I'm so sorry that happened to you. That's horribly awful.

Hahaha no! It's from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, one of my favorite movies growing up. I always loved how Sam Beauregarde whines that when the Oompa Loompas drag him away. I also contemplated, "Violet, you're turning violet, Violet!" But that was a mouthful.

Oh, I know. I've seen it done in them pornographic movies. ;) I was only half serious. And I am ALL for everybody doing what gets their boat rocking!!

Hahahaha. You're my favorite today.

Okay, first official laugh after reading the post & the comments. Thanks.

That is a great conversation to have.

Hahahaha oh, I know. I've seen the act in action, I just feel pretty okay with passing on it. :)

Slightly off-topic but looking at the picture with this post pretty much cinched it for me. Maybe it's because I've never tried it and don't know what I'm missing, but I feel pretty okay in saying I've never been fisted and never plan on it.

Amen to that! Heard it about high school AND college, but that's when I was depressed and suicidal. 30, living with some great roommates in a new city and really loving the freedom to do whatever I want is where it's at. That statement can create such PRESSURE for the person hearing it. I'm glad you're happy.

""You're not really a big fat stupid embarrassing useless turd, that's the depression talking, and you know from long years of experience that it's a raging unreasonable asshole""

For what it's worth, I'm 30. I've been in therapy a couple of times during my depression (which started in noticeably at 14) but it's finally working. Part of that was finding the doctor who REALLY worked for me, I know that's been half the struggle for me in the past. It's gotten better. I'm not currently on any

"He laughed when he read my intake form."

I would've loved to give him a home, why is that such a terrible thing? Haha lord, what crawled up your ass? And I'm most certainly not a saint. I merely explained to you that I have a passion for kids that are often unwanted (not in this case, thankfully, since the surrogate is going to care for him.) You accused me