
Ooo, got me again! Burn! Or maybe you're just a dick that was really wrong and you continue to spew idiocy at me in an effort to save face.

Wow, you're a mind reader!! I WAS looking for a conversation piece to validate my existence. How did you know?? A baby is the last piece to fit in with my mansion, my plastic surgeon husband, and my fleet of dobermans, who incidentally are taken care of by my numerous butlers and maids. (All minorities, by the way.)

What in the sweet hell are you talking about?

Yup, I heard that and I'm sure he's in good hands. I just think he's absolutely adorable. That's all. :)

I wanted to adopt the little boy, but now I just want both of them to get out of there! This really is the worst.

Thank you kindly. You stated perfectly what I was trying to get across. Of COURSE the violence against women is the priority. As someone who was assaulted, I completely support that, 100%. But I had an interesting dialogue with a male friend recently. He shared he no longer felt like he could stand up for women

That's an excellent point about paternity leave! Someone else was commenting about why they couldn't have just moved the family to New York. O_o she's a doctor. And a professor. Maybe she likes her career. Maybe she was established before he made it to CEO. Maybe his kids are really blossoming in school out there.

Love your story, thanks for sharing it! That's a true partnership between your mom and dad.

Well, I thought this was a great story and then got to the comments. Of course it's easier for him to step down with millions in the bank. I appreciate his candor about his decision. I especially like this:

you said it! I wish someone would've pulled her aside and just said...no. I'm not even a hardcore diehard Bey fan, but she literally has NO talent.

I am laughing so hard.

HAHAHA THIS IS SO GLORIOUSLY BAD. And what is happening with this combover??

LOVE! Oh, that's so great! What a great guy!

Anybody that loves Andy Dwyer is a friend of mine!! :)

Oh, Ephram and Bright...

Oh god...he's SO adorable. Did you see his interview on The Tonight Show? I laughed so damn hard!

With a screenname like that? On the double! You can keep the minutes of the meetings, because...well...you're inspecting spacetime.

YES! I KNEW there were more of us out there that loved his greatness for a while!!

I'm not quite as noble as you because I'd probably willingly run away with him if he was down for it. (Okay, NOT REALLY. I feel bad.)

YES. You must love Chris Pratt in all his short-sleeved dress shirt slightly chubby self before you can jump on the Chris Pratt completely ripped bandwagon.