
Oh god, I'm not even mad. Let's start a support group called WE SAW CHRIS PRATT FIRST.

I mean, who could blame someone named Bright Abbott for being an asshole??

Damn you, Anna Faris. But not really because you're adorable together.

I have to have a hipsteresque moment to quietly whine about the fact that I loved him way back when he was on Everwood and have lovingly been devoted to his career ever since. And I'm a little hacked off that everyone is obsessing about him BECAUSE I SAW HIM FIRST.

Hey, maybe before you make more sweeping generalizations or assumptions, you find out what gender I actually am. I'm a 30-year-old woman. 11 years ago a guy forced me to go down on him in a frat house, and held my head on his dick to the point where I vomited and then passed out from being unable to breathe. When I

Oh yeah. I just meant 20 feet of space on an airplane is not a luxury you have. Especially if you're being escorted off a plane. Plus, I've never heard ANYTHING about that.

I really, really appreciate your comment & 100% agree. I knew it was hard to get my point across without sounding like #NOTALLMEN. I just think we've got to figure out a way to work through this together. That sounds like total bullshit and I KNOW it does. This is such a difficult point to get across.

I figured as much. I just think all men and all women should be part of the conversation. I believe the fight of the woman is a harder one for sure, but the divide just keeps getting wider and wider.

I'm so sorry that happened to you, that's awful.

You're right. This is depicting the actual crime. Maybe stereotyping isn't the correct word. However, we disagree about the distraction. I think the battle for women is definitely bigger and harder and a longer road to walk, but if we continue to say IT'S MEN! IT'S BECAUSE OF THE MAN we just make the divide even

Hahaha AGREED. Like I said, to each their own, but I think anyone getting married in a barn is either getting married in the barn they grew up in (saving the dollars) or saw it on Pinterest and decided to be "original." Go for it, but you clearly have NO idea how many gross things happen in barns, hahaha.

Hey! I know. Read my comment again. "but any moral compass would tell you this is 100% the glamorization of a brutal and horrifying crime." I KNOW IT HAPPENED.

Oh no, I didn't get that at all, no worries. I was responding to your comment that most posters on Jezebel would disagree with it. I knew that's probably not the popular opinion, but it bothers me just the same.

That's why I included "personally." It bothers me, and that's coming from someone who was sexually assaulted 11 years ago. I can't stand any sort of generalization or stereotype of any race or gender.

God, this post was depressing me so much, I have to say thank you for the chuckle I got out of Jesus H. Macy.

I've started a comment at least 8 times. I don't know what to say. I'm for artistic expression, but any moral compass would tell you this is 100% the glamorization of a brutal and horrifying crime. I'm also personally bothered by the fact that this stereotypically shows men as violent monsters. This is just wrong from

As I grew up in rural Iowa and helped out across the road at my cousins' farm, I can safely say I would never get married in a barn. Nothing says romantic like pledging to be with one another forever on the same ground that they've slaughtered pigs. But hey! To each their own! (Also, I have to kind of agree that I'd

In a Hawaiian shirt. But BACK OFF I HAD A STROKE.

okay, good. I thought I misheard that. She says she's 23, right?? What on earth!

What on EARTH. 20 feet? You're an on airplane, you only have 12 inches of room as it is. And does she yell that she's 23 years old or did I mishear? Either way, holy hell. How do things get to that point??