
Love the kid at the end. Clearly, a parent was all, EARMUFFS.

Yes! Olivia Pope's Wine Glass clearly needs to be a part of this union!

yessss! Now we'll live happily ever after and never run unless it's towards someone with blueberry waffles.

Your comment AND your screen name means I'm going to propose to you & I hope you say yes because we're soulmates.

I love in the beginning how she was gung-ho and ready for dicks, and by #89 a piece of her soul had clearly died.

Basic PR move, folks: never say, "teehee it was just a joke!" about something like this found ON your website. In your About Us section. You just succeeded in making yourself look even more asinine, especially when a client has a fucking email IN her inbox from you saying the exact same thing. Remove it, apologize,

WOW! The steak & the slaw guy have my mouth hanging open, but I think coffee dude takes the cake. I never knew about this Mass. coffee phenomenon until my roommate dated a dude from Boston who confirmed it, so I get that you might order a "regular" and expect it to come with cream and sugar. But how hard is it to turn

Thankfully, I'd imagine it's pretty rare to find a gal like this that gets THAT tanked at 10AM. However, I'm sure it sure doesn't help your situation, either!

And that early in the morning??

Okay, troll.

HAHAHAHA. Seriously. Kids respond to healthy boundaries & a guidance to understand what is right and wrong. That kind of plan does a serious disservice to the child. It's not a reward to get everything you want, or do everything you want. They spend the rest of their life with the expectation that there is no

Depending on when this happened, her aunt had very real reason to be afraid. If it was around 1954 when the Communist Control Act was signed, I'd be paranoid as fuck. Even showing mild support for the communist party was enough for them to throw the book at you.

I just googled it - how is that his house??

I ran into Al Gore walking into a Nashville CVS as he was walking out with his prescription medication.

I'd be interested in seeing the small print of anything she signed to see if she gave them permission for this without knowing. Not that I support the doctor here, because how hard would it be to say: "reasons for a nasal collapse could be A, B, going skiing down nose candy mountain, D..." instead of just saying

God, I love kittens and the fact their best defense is to HOP! HOP HOP MY HOUSE HOP HOP!


Well said. There is some seriously trashy music and videos out there. Let's not attack a dude that actually showcased women in a positive way just because he once joined up with Robin Thicke and made a shitty song. One crappy collaboration does not a misogynist make.

She says in the article that the phone slipped under her pillow. I know I've woken up with mine all over the bed because I'll come to enough to check the time and fall asleep with it in my hand, etc. For the record, I really don't necessarily disagree with your argument, probably should keep that bad boy on the

Or she's 13, disoriented when she woke up & thought she was initially imagining it. I know I'm not on top of things when I wake up in the middle of the night. But you know, or she's fucking stupid. That too.