
Yeah, let me clarify! I think her voice is AWESOME. I too love her backyard sessions! I think she just reminds me of stupid decisions I made when i was in my young 20s, haha. I don't really dislike her, she just annoys me a bit.

Yeah, I've honestly liked him for a while and then really gave him a listen in his Oprah interview. Obviously, interviews are chances to make yourself sound any way you want, but I thought his history with music was fascinating. He comes off as well-spoken, intelligent & humble. I really don't think he's the villain

Okay, I think this one is reaching a bit. They're all clothed, different races are represented, and they're not all a size 2. I understand the "male gaze" thing to a point, but I also think it's a music video concept that's fun & dance-filled. And try as I might to hop on the Hate Pharrell bandwagon, I still think

You are a cruel person. Cynical, sarcastic and rude. How dare you insinuate these adults feeling value for learning how to do something and be able to support their families are working in a "sweatshop?"

I've never worked in the food industry, but regularly battled my supervisor at a daycare where I took care of infants about coming in when sick. She demanded doctor's notes, which (along with so many others in this post) had to acquire even for a stomach virus. I made $9.00 an hour, and I'd have to spend $30 at a

EXCELLENT point! It DOES double as a weapon.

I get it, you hate all missions. That's okay. But how do you think they afford it? This organization funded the sewing machines, renting a space in the slum, and then teaching them to use the machines. They couldn't begin to afford to do it on their own. And a needle and thread? They're making huge blankets, table

Yeah, that's what I'm tripping over. Accused them of "knotting?" Like...the stylist pretended to be cutting her hair when they were secretly just tying it in tiny knots?

It's fucking hair, and I have hair that I'm immensely proud & protective about. Like Isha said, we've all been there with a mortifying cut, but this is just inexcusable.

50 dollars for literally the TINIEST bottle of nail polish, too?

Nah, no need to make generalizations. I think it's a case of wanting to get the first comment to get a ton of stars, just like all Gawker media sites. (And most sites on the internet, if we're being honest.) So they don't read it at all, and it backfires, like this time with Richard and the case of the unfortunate

How do people keep saying "she?" It literally says RICHARD in the second sentence of the article. Even a simple skimming will get you that info.

...and Richard..

Hahaha that's perfect!

I'm not here to defend anyone and I agree a lot with what you're saying, but I'll say I went to Nairobi last October and worked with a (Christian) organization that actually went into the slums and taught them a trade. They taught the women how to sew (they have many centers throughout numerous slums around Nairobi)

Lord. I worked with kids for over a decade and just waited for them to ask for a background. I waited to hear where I'd be going for fingerprinting. Anyone with nothing to hide (although, as someone else commented, he slips through some) would be the first in line for backgrounds. They're necessary. And just too bad

By the way, I forgot to respond to the bit about the book. I thought it was total bullshit as well & I didn't bother to read the majority of it, but an ex had me take the quiz, and holy shit if I wasn't just completely spot on with physical touch. It's hard to admit a fluffy book like that helped me but it totally

Oh, no no - I just meant therapy helped ME achieve that, and hoped for others to do the same. :)

Indeed. My time in therapy helped me realize how I express love. It is important to find out for yourself.

YOU'RE A FEMINIST WHO LOVES HER HUSBAND. Clearly, you're the downfall of all feminists.