
Wait...people still refused after being asked? I can see thinking it was a good idea at the time (look, friends! I did a good thing today!) but once being told it was definitely NOT okay, they still refused to delete?? Wow.

Annnnd I shall be using "it's so cute and little!" all the time from now on.

Jeff sucks. Fuck Jeff.

Agreed. Everyone in the dating world has been on both sides of it, being the rejector and the rejectee. (Those words look ridiculous fake.) It is all about fear, so I get that. But I think honesty (which I've had to tell myself to just buck up and do) is generally met amicably if spoken with respect. That said, the

Oh yeah, I was just relating to you, no pity or anything intended. It just really is the worst. :)

Wait...I really thought, "was a phone really worth it?" would be directed at the asshole who shot someone in the fucking head, and not the woman who didn't want to hand over her shit from the asshole trying to steal it. I get it - I'd hand over my phone because I'd rather live than be bummed out over losing my high

I'm sorry you're getting blown off, seriously. There's not much out there that drives me crazier in the dating world. However, I've had it happen to me twice in the last few months by guys I was really interested in & thought had potential. I gave them space, I thought I played it right, but they just disappeared

This could not be a more perfect encapsulation of my dating experiences as of late. I've never considered myself a prude either, but lately my responses have felt almost Victorian with the amount of dick pics and disgusting comments thrown my way. I really don't have anything to add that you haven't already said, but

oh, it's shockingly bad.

Genuinely thought you were trolling for a hot minute. Turns out, nope, just being hilarious.

Sweet fucking lord, how have you had so many bad experiences with roommates?? I'm so sorry to hear about all of this!

Hahaha! I know most spelling errors are usually a simple oversight, and I figured most people would already be down here telling her to fix it. :)

Apologies for being that person, but it's Aaliyah.

I think a lot of that is the SUPER serious dangerous storyline (sarcasm) of season 2. The reason I loved season 1 so much is that it seemed to laugh at itself, had a sense of humor. Season 2 with V and the drugs was too much, and the undercurrent of racial issues of season 1 was suddenly a fucking tidal wave. I love

I love her, but I have to agree with you more and more after watching season 2. Dial it down a bit.

Hahaha! And you're trying to troll someone but not doing a very good job. Why are you so angry with me, exactly? Because I told a story about going to a gay bar during Pride with a dear friend even though I'm straight? A fruit fly? A fag hag?

Annnnnd opening a new tab to go look...

AHHH! I love that you snuck pictures, so did I, hahaha! I am DYING over how he's wearing his jacket! Stop. So ridiculous!

I'm still completely confused as to what your point is. Why don't you be a big boy & say it for god's sake?

I grew up in a small town in the Midwest without cable television. While I had music lessons & took dance my entire life, my only exposure to the arts was whatever came to town at the Civic Center and whether we could afford to go.