Just saw Seger last night in Boston and yeah, he’s still got it! He’s 74... He’s definitely not as energetic as he used to be, but he was still out there dancing around and pumping his fists and his voice sounded great.

The newest generation is super nice, too. I think the hatch version is sexy as hell. 

Plus from what I hear, it’s pretty easy to get the back end of the i3 to step out since it’s RWD and usually has low-resistance tires. I’d actually like to drive one sometime!

I agree - I’m 6' 4" and have experienced the same thing. That’s something that disappointed me about the current CX-5 when my wife was looking at one a couple of years ago - it seems bigger outside than the previous generation but the inside felt SO tight and there were a ton of blind spots. Very confining.

That’s some solid math. 

The Mazda 3 is a solid choice. A friend of mine bought one a couple of years ago after trading in his 13-year-old Toyota Echo.

They even mentioned later in the article that the Accord didn’t begin production there until 1982. Oops! 

I like it. Tight, clean, modern. VW’s stylists have been doing great work over the last few years. 

However you classify them, isn’t it exploitation? Doesn’t the labor board exist to prevent that sort of thing? Doesn’t it seem wrong that a company can hire two people for the same job, one being a “permanent” employee who immediately receives benefits and paid time off, while the other person is considered a “temp”,

I think the thing to consider here is that the F1 event won’t just create traffic issues because of all of the people it brings in, but because the event will take place partially on public roads which will need to be shut down for all parts of the event itself (three practice sessions, qualifying, the race, plus the

Even if the F1 event itself is only two days, the setup ahead of time takes months. I don’t blame the nearby residents for being against this plan.

Two years in any position should be well into “full employment” status. I see “temp” as anything up to six months, that’s it. It’s ridiculous!

No other company (that I know of) does anything like this. It’s usually a 90 or 160 day “trial” and then you are put onto payroll permanently.

I’m no lawyer, but I would argue the “deception” here is that the dealer likely advertises quality service performed by highly-trained technicians, so it would be reasonable for the consumer to expect the service to be performed to factory specifications. This is a GM dealer we’re talking about, not some hole in the

Everything changed in 2014 when the current hybrid engine regulations came into effect. Renault had nailed the V8 formula, but seemed to completely botch the hybrid V6 setup which is much, much more complicated.

It seems as though the latest version of the 2021 rule proposals have the MGU-H staying, with engine regulations remaining essentially unchanged from where they are now. 

They should also Google BLUE WAFFLE to see if there are any Smurf-related breakfast tie-ins going on. 

Are most of their videos hosted on YouTube? Could you open the videos you DO want to watch in a new tab direct on YouTube and bypass the muting of the Jalopnik domain? Just a thought...

I have to wonder though, if the structure is made of “thinner, lighter material” does this mean whatever impacts still occur will cause more significant damage?  The bridge in its current configuration seems to be able to withstand a beating pretty well, but if fewer accidents end up with larger repairs to the bridge