I can relate, as I always personally feel awkward as an American when I travel abroad and I’m not sure if I should tip or not.  At restaurants I usually do 20% or more, but I know that kind of tipping culture doesn’t exist outside the US. So I don’t want to overspend but I also don’t want to be rude and feel like I’m

I’m willing to bet a lot of that has to do with they payment system. So many Starbucks regulars load up their Starbucks card and pay with their phone, so having a tip jar there for cash (which most people probably aren’t carrying) isn’t going to accomplish much.

But... but... Changing the pizza paradigm! #disruption! 

I wouldn’t consider this option because the introvert in me wants it, but I’d consider this option simply to avoid a disappointing interaction with the cashier/counter employee.

An inquiry into restaurant tipping (as written by our own Kevin Pang) suggests that “At fast-food restaurants, 81 percent of diners say they don’t tip.” The curiosity then comes from that remaining 19%, who’re either claiming to tip fast food workers (a practice that, at least anecdotally, none of the Takeout staff

Kilmeade nailed it. I remember when I was working at Burger King in high school and earned Employee of the Month, I got so many calls from Wendy’s and McDonald’s trying to recruit me that I practically had to change my number! Eventually I worked my way up to Team Leader at BK, but since I couldn’t figure out what to

So for $5,000 you could have your VIN end in 00001, then take the car to Barrett-Jackson where people go mad for that kind of shit and probably sell it for $350k. Sounds like a solid plan...

The Maxima was even a hard sell versus the last generation Altima, to be honest. They were still roughly the same size then, and even though that Altima was technically smaller it was packaged better so it had much more interior volume (or at least it felt that way).

I can’t wait until Mahk uses this as a way to slam Chevy for their ugly, non-electric, weak-ass-non-train-towing trucks...

I’m picturing him opening up his soggy burger on the side of the highway with ketchup and mayo dripping everywhere, with the “Oh Noooo....” voiceover from the silly as-seen-on-TV ads.

Yeah, this is similar to what I’ve heard. What I was taught (by a professional chef) was that the more you move something while it’s cooking, the more liquid it releases. Less movement = juices locked in. (In a thick Italian accent he said “The food is like a dog. If you move it and get it excited it lets the water

Seriously, that’s a gorgeous car in a great color. It would look right at home cruising along a twisty coastal road with a Miura and a Dino. 

After decades and decades of rumors and false starts, we now have both a mid/rear engined Corvette and a 2nd Avenue subway line in Manhattan.

That color looks great on that car! 

I can relate a little. I spent the past fifteen years working for a small company, which was acquired by a global corporation about two months ago. Many things haven’t changed, and there are many positive aspects of the acquisition (such as more growth opportunity) but it’s amazing how inflexible larger companies can

And I maintain that the C7 is the ugliest Vette generation ever. Such an over wrought design, much like the new Civic Si, as if it was drawn up as a joke by a bunch of bored Hot Wheels designers.

Given my general bias against GM products and my dislike for the previous two Corvette generations (especially the C7, which is all kinds of ugly), I expected to hate this car.

Sometimes those are the best races though. Slow car fast > fast car slow.

Thanks for the reply, and for reminding me I still need to read that book!

Preach!! GM always finds a way to cut costs in areas that the end user is guaranteed to notice as well. BMW? Not so much.