I’ve heard chocolate ice cream with good extra virgin olive oil is a good combo as well.
I’ve heard chocolate ice cream with good extra virgin olive oil is a good combo as well.
Today I was running late and didn’t bring lunch to work with me.
You’re right that most of the appetizers are some combination of fried things, cheesy things, greasy meat things, or all three. Which, to me, is the best part of the menu.... but anyway...
Where I think this person’s question is coming from is that it’s not uncommon to see a salad or pasta dish listed on its own on menu, with the option to add meat for $2-5 more depending on what kind of meat it is.
This thing is beautiful. There are plenty of other old/interesting cars I’d own before this one if given the choice, but you just don’t see these in this kind of condition and SAAB has always had a pretty unique place in automotive history, so you could certainly do worse.
Literally dozens of people didn’t see this coming.
I have no desire to ever own a bike, but I recognize cool when I see it and this thing just oozes cool. It’s very stylish, totally impractical and probably terrible to ride, but who cares about the ride when it’s just so beautiful? I don’t think I’ve enjoyed looking at a bike this much since Chrysler unveiled the…
One of my coworkers has a Touareg that he purchased brand-new in 2006. He’s got 180,000 miles on it now and hasn’t had a single major repair (and not a lot of minor ones, either). He’s got the V8, which I’m sure has helped his reliability a lot compared to the V10 version. He still loves it!
Oh good! Still have to get there one of these days... our trips to visit her family are never long enough and we always end up at Gene & Jude’s and Portillo’s first.
Those guys make a habanero sauce that is still one of my favorites. Very simple but great flavor and plenty of heat.
Is Paradise Pup still open? I remember hearing from my wife’s family (who live a mile or two from there) that it was raided a while back and chained up.
Haven’t they always been top cut? As in, a vertical slice down the middle from top down? What am I missing?
That chili consistency is exactly what you want on a chili dog. This place looks legit and now I finally have a reason to go to Ohio.
This comment should really be elevated with more stars.
Jim, you’ve done lots of awesome things, but please shut it.
I think he’s saying if Elon said an update was coming in “x” number of months, people looking to buy during the interim period might decide to wait, thereby creating a short-term sales dip which may or may not be offset by any increase in sales the update would create.
Whenever someone makes a right turn from the left lane, parks across two spaces at a shopping center, weaves in and out of traffic without signaling, or generally acts like they own the road it’s almost always a pickup truck driver or a BMW driver.
I remember trying to draw the new-for-91 Caravan freehand while looking at a sales brochure... I wasn’t cool, and didn’t have a lot of friends, but I had fun anyway!
That’s an interesting point!