I would get behind that 100%. 

Give it time and some company will start ironically selling a curated collection of artisan hats on Etsy that resemble a man bun.

It is absolutely painful when companies try to sound cool by using lingo that A) they don’t understand and B) is, frankly, stupid in itself.

PS: I should add that I was disappointed that the Dart couldn’t carry on the Neon legacy. There was potential there, but it was short on power and long on features it didn’t really need.

Neon was an excellent car because it was honest. It was cheap and cheerful and it could be a lot of fun! Unlike most other economy cars at the time (and even today) it created an emotional attachment with a lot of owners instead of just being an appliance, and you could actually have fun driving it.

Hahahahaha that is brilliant!

This is the best summary of the Caliber I’ve ever read. Bravo.

Missed opportunity on their part... they should be encouraging people to get outside! Imagine THIS with actual yellow arches, or a swing bench hanging off of similar yellow arches.

The electrified vehicle will most likely be RWD if I had to guess... that seems to be the standard for just about every manufacturer, including VW with the MEB platform, with AWD being optional through the addition of a front motor. 

I agree that there’s a glut of choices available now, especially depending on what market segment you’re looking at.

The irony there is that most of his supporters are against welfare and other “government handouts”, but never bat an eye at endlessly taking government money themselves to produce military equipment that no longer serves a purpose and will likely end up sitting in the desert. 

Volkswagen’s MEB platform looks very promising, and I expect that will appear under more than a few Ford vehicles in the not too distant future since they’ve entered a partnership together.

The same industry professional took another look at their cars later on and was impressed with what he saw.  Tesla is definitely learning as they go, but with each model they bring improvements in build quality while finding new ways to effectively reduce cost.

Mmm! Zesty Blood Orange? How have I not heard about that until now?!

Wait, are you trying to say the Pacer and Gremlin aren’t hallmarks of design??

Legacy, Fusion and Altima are better equated to the Mazda 6. The 3 is quite a bit smaller, more on par with Impreza, Corolla, etc.

I have to disagree with you here. In person, the C-pillar area of the hatch is really pretty. You can get a better sense of the different contours involved and it really does look like the sheet metal is tightly wrapped around the structure underneath.

They’ve already said there won’t be anything new using the Mazdaspeed name now that they’ve moved upmarket, but they did NOT say there wouldn’t be a performance version altogether.  I’d love for them to get into rally with one of these and release an STI-like version of it... 

I second this. Snow tires would definitely help.

What about photos of things that share similar shapes to the Vessel, like this Chevy Silverado grille? Do they own the rights to that, too?