Our health care system is perfect for you, then! 

For me, Campbell’s Chicken and Stars is my go-to man-cold meal. I add about half as much water as they suggest so the broth is a little thicker and the flavor is more concentrated. If I have trouble keeping food down, then it’s Saltines to start (and it has to be actual name-brand Saltine’s, not the store-brand crap).

If you lean on the right spot on the door, does a little charge indicator strip light up?

If you want practicality AND driving dynamics, get a Stelvio. Corners like it’s on rails, stops on a dime, and swallows a decent amount of luggage and/or people if the need arises. 

Hmm... F1 will be racing in Vietnam and the race director’s name is Charlie. Hopefully the radio messages to/about him don’t trigger any flashbacks for fans that were there 50 years ago. 

Any one of these cars with the F1-style transmission (look for the dinky little silver shift selector on the console) should be an automatic Crack Pipe unless the car is offered for free. They require very expensive service at something like 15-20k mileage intervals.

It should be called the .959, which is what I assume his blood alcohol content was when he dreamed up this horrendous monstrosity. 

Yes!! I can’t wait to get one.  I just have to wait until I know I’ll be near a bathroom for the couple of hours that follow... 

If Tesla plans on moving some production to China, I wonder how quickly they could put up a semi-permanent tent structure there like they did in California, and if that would suffice for assembling CKD kits until a full-fledged facility is built?

Awesome! Thanks for the info. 

What is that from? And... is that green thing on the left wearing a Michigan football helmet?

Alfa as well. In “Dynamic” mode the gear shifts are lightning quick and almost violent! 

Taking a taxi in Firenze from our hotel to the train terminal, we hit a pedestrian. But the driver kept going, and upon seeing our concerned faces in the mirror, casually said “It’s alright, they’re not hurt.”

That’s disappointing. But I guess that makes it easier to fold it up before you throw it away.

10-14 minutes?? Ain’t nobody got that kind of time! 

Better get that monthly subscription! 

You’re welcome! Nothing else I can recall at the moment but I’ll try to keep them coming as time allows.

The Ford’s extra power and torque though is negated by its extra curb weight; it weighs roughly 500 lbs. more than a Stelvio when both are in 2.0 AWD configuration.  Despite the Edge being in a larger class, it’s only an inch wider than the Stelvio and four inches longer.  The only major difference I see in interior

I know a guy that added some homemade “gentleman’s relish” to someone’s sandwich when he worked at a sub shop. Somehow, that place is still in business.

I genuinely enjoy Stouffer’s. The only part I don’t enjoy is ALWAYS destroying the roof of my mouth on the first bite. No matter how long I wait, it’s always like taking a bit of the sun itself.