Being underwater on a car loan isn’t always a bad thing on its own, depending on the factors involved. For most people it’s usually the result of one bad financial decision after another, but in some cases it could actually be preferable.

Good point! It’s definitely a conversation starter, like an elaborate face tattoo.

That’s a bummer, because the Seattle area is one of the places we’ve kicked around as going to if we decide not to stay where we are!

See for me it’s the opposite. I don’t mind the front end, and the lake pipes are cool, but the vinyl roof and strange growth sticking off the rear make this a hard pass. Also it’s about $5,000 overpriced in my opinion.

I’m somewhat eager for that, because my wife and I are saving for a house and have no prayer of affording anything bigger than a closet in the current market.

Wow, it’s almost like we’re looking at the chassis mule for the SSR and not some LSD-fueled custom job.

I cannot look at the front end of this without seeing Spy vs. Spy....

So they took one of the least-impressive, least-desirable Corvettes and somehow managed to make it even less desirable? Bully for them!

You’re welcome. Always happy to completely nerd out about old Lincolns!

The ‘64-65 were essentially the same as the ‘63, but with a 3-inch longer wheelbase.

Hard to hate the Mark II! But yeah, these Continentals are certainly more understated and elegant than the cars loaded with chrome and fins and other adornments from less than a decade before.

That car is gorgeous in that color. I prefer the mid-late 60's version like you have there because the proportions are better. In my opinion, the earlier versions were a little too short to look “just right”.

One of the favorite models in my collection is a 67/68 Continental convertible that my mom actually built for

Glad to see my local one is staying open, but I can understand why people are looking elsewhere for toy purchases. They’re not cheap, and if you don’t need the convenience of an all-in-one store to get what you want/need that day, then there are plenty of other options.

1st Gear: The time to fix profitability problems is while you’re still profitable. Good for Ford for digging into this now and not four or five years from now when it’s too late.

I hope you keep it for a long time. That generation of Camry pretty great, the last one before it became a bloated snoozefest in my opinion.

Fair points, but...

Economic indicators that a recession may be coming:

So many people have the “monthly payment”/subscription mentality that I wonder how long it will be before a car subscription service is offered by a place like CarMax or one of the other big pre-owned chains. I think it could honestly work in that case...

I thought of another one! When I was a kid my dad had a puke green 1968 Pontiac Tempest which we hardly ever drove. He always jokingly called it the “poor man’s GTO” and even though the color was somewhat putrid (with matching interior) I always thought it was really cool and enjoyed having it around.

It sucks worse when you really care about it but you have no choice but to sell it, knowing full well that its years with you were the best years it will have and that no matter how much you loved and cared for it, you’re now essentially responsible for sending it on a downward spiral.