But this isn't f1, so doesn't it not matter?

Word. This is why Rotaries sound so good - lots of unused energy there.

This is why I'm against E-racing. Because I'd be bored watching it. I'm already bored watching normal racing, but engine sounds make up for it a little.

This story is awesome, but if Vincent and Jules were real dudes, Vincent would be dead and Jules would be "Walking the Earth, you know, like Caine in Kung Fu" and neither would be interested in retribution.

And then someone shoots the dippin-dots sized balls into their mouth, chokes to death, and (their family) sues you for the million dollars you made...

So THATS where the clip of the evo parking and hiding from the cops comes from!

He can just buy the headlight off the one that drove into the lake years back.

It's not really relevant. 5.7 hemi chargers aren't exactly fast either, especially with cop equipment and light bars.

It's an LSX.

lol I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices how GM gets sued for shit everyone else gets away with.

No, I get that, but I've just never seen an article with a NASCAR Camry up top saying

what the hell, there is a Bollywood Terminator?

I weigh 120 lbs and I have a picture of me holding my RPF1s one in each hand up above my head arms stretched out all the way to the side. 17x10.5. 17lbs each.

They should get that in writing. It's the words that are important.

Nobody posted an article talking about how cool Escudos were when that happened.

The important thing to note is that the 10 biggest cargo ships in the world pollute more than all the cars combined, so the EPA is really wasting their time with emissions regulations on cars.

If you plumb a referenced pressure like 15psi from a sealed C02 bottle to your wastegate and blow-off valve as references, than your turbochargers will always produce the same overall pressure as if you were at that referenced pressure.

Now playing

Just a guess. Looks the same. Like you said, no reason for camo.

Have you been in a Cruze or new Spark?