"Could be worse."—Jose Canseco


After reaching first base, Pujols fired an imaginary arrow at Hamilton, which struck him in the chest and put him on the 60 day DL


Not Bent Like Beckham

If getting a boner while on a boat with a pretty lady is wrong, then I don't wanna be right.

Bosh is the walrus

So is Paul dead or what

Ryuk, the demon who gives the student named Light the killer notebook

He ain't got time to bleed.

He needs to be wearing a Raccoon costume. I think.

He also suggested Stow had played a role in the attack, relating a witness account of him yelling at Dodger fans in the parking lot and citing testimony that his blood alcohol level was 0.18 percent -

Money order is fine

If you're looking for dirt on Johnny Manziel, I'm pretty sure the Browns offensive line will help you out.

I know how he feels. I nearly fell asleep at the Peru/Colombia match last year.

I like how the guy sitting on the left turns his yawn into a cheer