smoke or chew'em if you got'em

You'd have thought Tony could have taken a lesson from his numbers and never dipped.


just hope they can find clean running water 2 was that shit off

what a d~bag

"Recoiling at Pitbull is equivalent to recoiling at large swathes of Latino culture."

Hail the skullet.

"Having closely followed his career for 12 years now, this much I know to be true: Pitbull does not deserve the amount of hate he gets."

Is the defense ready to rest? That was about 10 paragraphs too many for a purveyor of awful music.

Fuck you and Pitbull.

kill yourself

don't worry - looks like that 2 can be pretty easily change into a 3.

Kid Icarus is just insanely difficult. They even have the crazy long passwords to save your progress, and I've still never beaten it.

I had sex while wearing a Power Glove not that long ago. It's maybe the most impressive thing that I've ever accomplished in my whole entire life.

Forget it, he's rolling.

Do they even sell Zima in the States anymore?

a kick in the nuts

I don't get it. What's a Roshambo?

because he's fat lol

Pictured: Reenactment of the first time I had sex.