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Alright, bro — You Win. I know when I'm beat. Good match.

Just rhyming a bunch of words together in a creative way means zero if it's one random half thought after another

Wow, you guys at Deadspin still listen to rap?...That's cool...I guess.

You forgot pine tar

Jerk off oils, ranked.

I would Kickstart the hell out of this.

I hope its all done in my lifetime -_-

Dexters doing great yaherd!

That looks nothing like me or my family. A big ass in this day and age does not equal a black woman. You're ridiculous.

Attention, naysayers! Allow me to submit for your shutting-the-fuck-up now, Hottentot Venus. Educate yourself because I no longer have the patience.

Counterpoint: Those sheep are pretty herded.

Is this footage of that mass rape in Egypt ? Damn bat got it bad.

it's super effective!


My Turd Cutter

"We surveyed 100 people, top 5 answers are on the board. Tell me Mariano, what would you throw on an 0-2 count?"

Like the good old days when the obviously wasted host used to make out with every female contestant?

Or, as patrons of Cincinnati chili restaurants refer to it, "my knife."

Had to go to Urban Dictionary for this one.

I had this idea a decade ago (still shocked Stern didn't see my message board post and implement it) - treat it like a technical. Fines for the first few throughout the season, and a suspension after you accumulate so many.