That is incredible. Thanks for replying.
What in the world! Were they running from the cops or just getting some no so cheap thrills? Did anyone survive this? Did the salvage yard accept the truck with the excessive excrement all over the interior? So many questions!
Also, we can't forget the fact that the auto makers also have to compete with each other. I would love to be able to purchase my next car, style, with confidence.
All I know is that before the original article, I had never heard of Steeda. Now, I can't stop saying Steeda, Steeda, Steeda!
I love the fact that cars have different places for things. This is one of the control panels in my GS350.
I could see this technology, combined with a little on board automation, replacing the over-the-road trucker. Who needs the driver? Dock to dock driving. No potty breaks. Just fuel up at the dock and keep on trucking.
The question is, will someone ride along with the pizza, or will you essential have a pizza redbox on wheels showing up in your driveway?
I think this kind of idea is great. HOWEVER...please leave this up to a manufacturer to develop and implement as a feature (either option or standard). I love technology, but I HATE when it is government mandated. It just drives up costs and limits choice.
Three things:
My sedan fits my needs, just fine.
you win. Cheers!
I love it! Thanks for uploading it!
That's great. I would love to try this sometime. I don't have a Range Rover, but I think my 07 4Runner could hang. did it go?
Another great day for Darwinists.
A couple of random thoughts on the topic:
With the epidemic of potholes this year, probably won't be much of an advantage for speeder. :-(