
I live in Bristol and have done the pirate tour there a couple of times now. They take you to the house he was born in that still stands. The woman that lives there isn't too happy about people standing outside her house staring and taking photos but damn, if you're going to live in Blackbeards' house then you got to

'The Doctor was dressed up like a jedi', Frickin' awesome...

for someone who cares for literature so much, your grammar sucks.. Sorry no offence but....

Yeah, and the only reason Heineken works best is because of the amount of chemicals in that shit..

A Q.I. fan i see. Awesome ;)

It's a creepy cross between Alien and Sy Snootles. I'd be scared to stick my end in anything that looks like that.... then again.......

We prefer to be called 'Trekers' actually. ;)

Holy shark attack Batman. We used to go here every year for our family vacation. Had a vacation home not far from it. Used to love the gigantic Neptune but some of the other stone head figures were slightly disturbing.. Thanks for the trip down memory lane though :) God i miss the beaches there.