
I love how a girlfriend’s highly specific and unprompted statement, corroborated by a lawyer who also represented the alleged bomb builder, that the guy was building bombs in an identified location is seen as insufficient for a warrant to search said location, but...

Like my mom always said: “always wear clean underwear in case the cops haul you out of your house in the middle of the night and point their guns at you for no reason.”

I loved how Luke wandering down the halls killing dark troopers mirrored Vader’s first appearance in a New Hope killing rebels. It had an awesome symmetry to it.

Let me see if I have this straight: A white dude follows, blocks in, and punches a Black woman and a Black kid in the face and is currently at home and facing only misdemeanor charges.

Wow. Such a bad-faith argument. 

They couldn’t think of a way to charge this as aggravated battery and/or (even under North Carolina’s weak-sauce statute on the subject) a hate crime?

The facts are; you followed innocent people, forcibly stopped their car, assaulted them, and hurled bigoted slurs at them in the process. Have fun in jail Sturdy. I hope my thinking isn’t too wishful here.

Whatever you throw in, you have to take the time to weight it down. Put in  with a bag of bricks or cement and then securely tie it... uh...  I guess I’ve watched too many episodes of Dateline and 48hrs.........

Never use the ocean to dispose of shit. It always washes back up when you least expect it to. 

Same here, I do sometimes wonder just how much we should be sharing and having to photograph everything and have it validated by others online. However, the picture was of her grieving, not of a tiny coffin or of the baby. And it is a good thing to get people to talk about abuse, loss and grieving, especially when it

But I don’t wanna be held responsible for the things I say and do!

Eh, I don’t know about that. I’ve gotten plenty of penis voluntarily given, and it wasn’t all good. Even if the guys were okay, doesn’t guarantee good dick.

In an age where no one reads past the headlines and people rely on Twitter for news, it’s foolish to expect a largely moderate country to understand and support “Defund the Police.” Of course the slogan isn’t about abolition, but it’s easy for bad actors to draw that line in order to get others riled up. The fact is

That definitely happened. The Defund the Police, ACAB, Abolish Prisons crowd called Kamala a cop and downplayed Black oppression as a symptom of Capitalism.

It’s a stupid slogan that has done a lot of damage to the Black Lives Matter movement. After George Floyd’s death, support for BLM hit a high of 67%. Then came “defund the police” and white people gentrifying the protests and support dropped down to around 50%. Also, notice how “black lives matter” which a statement

I like this piece. I like the fact that you call out Harriot even if I think you went too easy on him. But I think there’s something missing: a discussion of toxic masculinity and misogyny. It’s not like this is new in our community (or honestly every other community. See also: Latinos and machismo) especially with

Ray Lewis, Jim Brown and how many others have shamed themselves and the millions of men & women that fought and died for them. I mean there are so many jokes to make about Wayne it ain’t funny. He read the platinum plan but the contract Baby made him sign? What excuse does Cube have? For real he came up in the era

Say it with your CHEST. YES - this was the rebuttal/rejoinder i was having difficulty articulating well to Michael’s piece: a percentage of a percentage is still a motherfucker too many and an issue we must dive into deeper. I get black fiscal and social conservatives, truly. If the GOP wasn’t too busy giving rim jobs

A white teenager with a van full of guns posted to social media that he was going to kill Biden. He taken alive and unharmed.

The masculinity of Trump? What in the ever loving fuck is that walking bag of flab talking about? There is nothing masculine about him. He whines, he takes no responsibility, he is ignorant and physically lazy. In short he acts like no man with any dignity acts. So a bunch of dumb ass rappers liked him, guess what I