
Wait. When did BOA have free checking acct for low income customers? I bank with them (since they were Nations Bank) and credit unions. I remember free student checking, free checking with direct deposit and free checking with $250 then $500 now $1500 balance otherwise it was an $8 then $10 now $12 service fee. Am I

Leftists will have us shutdown the govt. Get no CHIP and no DACA. For how long though? 2 weeks? A month? And they will still say the Dems caved weeks later.

But this most recent case might be the worst because they ran from a fight they could have won

Because you can’t take the apartheid out of the South African?🤷🏾‍♀️

$500k for 15 months of marriage. Is this what Ciara meant by #levelup? Oprah ain’t no fool.

For a man who didn’t even get to the United States of America, it is bullshit the kids still get taught this lie. Why can’t the teacher teach that Columbus made it to the island of Dominica in the Caribbean, under the false assumption he was sailing to the Far East, that you can’t discover something that already has

No way are they that dumb to act like country of origin or ethnicity is race. No way can they not see her. Since they know about Dominicans not claiming blackness, why act like buffoons? Didn’t Charlemagne have this EXACT conversation with Dasha Polanco?

If I think Colin Jost isn’t as attractive as Scarlett Johansson, his large head is unbecoming, and she could do better (physically); does that mean I’m a hater?

But on the real: what does it fucking mean to carry yourself like a wife vs. a girlfriend? Spell it out for your forsaken sad girl single flock.

Why are prominent women (Ashleigh Banfield, Mika Bryzenski) and feminists (Jezebel comment section) doing this so? I get why men would because if you could have a status quo where you can treat women shitty and then tell them it’s their fault for thinking they could interact with men as humans, why not run with this

Good move shaving that weird mustache.

Hey you won’t hear arguments from me about complicity but I thought when you said she lacked empathy for black kids or fought tooth and nail against school integration, there might have been a story I missed (and I sincerely wanted to know. No snark). I didn’t know you assumed it based on one quote from her

Great article with nuance and depth.

Ok. Read the article. Is there another one because this one only had a quote from Jason Jones saying any opposition to their school moving doesn’t have to be racist or classist? Only mention of Sam Bee was she is married to him.

What did Sam Bee do to black kids? Do tell.

Samantha Bee said it well. No one is disingenuous as to say Ansari is like Weinstein and that he should lose his job or be criminally charged. But if you are going to wear a #TimesUp pin and have a public persona as a feminist, you should know that your interactions with a woman was considered violating and coercive.

Based on how Aziz doesn’t show WOC as legitimate romantic interests on Master of None, I would be floored if Grace was not a white woman.

Thank you Harriot.

How does one obtain a Nazi flag for a spur of the moment dare? Why not apologize for being offensive and not “for those who may have been offended?” If no one found it offensive in his town, is he really at fault? What exactly is he ashamed of: his/ parents’ reduced employment opportunities?

Has to be Portland