
Do you mean “bup bup”? Never heard a Jamaican say “bullet bullet”.

Your African American friend probably knows little of the history and culture of dreadlocks. She was being an asshole.

Obvious joke, no? He certainly knows what sodomy means. No way he doesn’t. And because everyone these days is a sapiosexual who travels to Machu Picchu...he knew the word was sapiosexual.

“Played the race card?” You mean like how Hillary when asked how her presidency will be different, she says because I'm a woman. Obama never said vote for me because I'm black. He went out of his way to try to be transcendent about race. Hillary on the other throws the woman card every 2 sentences.

Yeah I would like to know how the fuck they are ungreyed, Gawker. Been in the grays for years.

Actually those questions as stated weren’t asked by the moderators. Rafael Cruz’ sound bite was heard far and wide but he was the one who paraphrased to “comic book villain” in respect to Trump. And John Ellis Bush was the one who insinuated Rubio should drop out, not the moderators.

Paraphrase. Cruz was literally asked about the debt limit and literally went on a diatribe about the candidates not being asked substantive questions. Then after he used his 60 secs the moderator was like “ummm it was a question about the debt limit” and then Cruz was all like “so you’re not gonna let me answer the

I think the key is “basic humanity”. It’s that known mass murderers can still be seen as human and given the opportunity to surrender. It’s that black people are often not seen on a human level. Dylann Roof and the Aurora shooter were armed and had just killed a number of people but were still talked to as human

So wait... You’re Asian & white and he felt the need to point out he dislikes the black mixes but you’re okay to continue to pursue? Or, and this would be even crazier, you’re Asian & black and he wanted to let you know he hates how blacks smell and act, but no racism, yo. How would either scenario make you think “now

But what the fuck is that Symoné business? Everybody knows that the random accent is the epitome of a “ghetto” name. And she really couldn’t see herself hiring Watermelondrea to expand on her kool-aid hair coloring options? Let me find out Ms. Raven-Symonaynay is suddenly high class. How in the fuck does she fix her

Your glib obtuseness is hurtful. It is on the level of Holocaust denial. Words matter and to not get why enslaved people for generations who were denigrated, raped, killed and subjected to any human suffering you could imagine are not simply workers that migrated to work on farms is astounding. And perhaps you

No way what D&D wrote this season is worthy of a writing Emmy. There were too many eye rolling plot holes. This Emmy is for 2 seasons ago.

Exactly where are these fanciful facilities that provide these services to the impoverished for negligible fees??? And let’s avoid the actuality that taxpayer dollars DO NOT fund abortions at Planned Parenthood. Fuckhat.

where the doctor generally only makes a perfunctory appearance after medical assistants and nurses do the heavy lifting

When have Armenians not been White? The country is situated next to the Caucus mountains. Armenians are Caucasians. They are not Anglo-Saxons or Aryans but they are white. Do you consider Armenians Asians? Do you consider Russians not to be White?

I know Schumer calls herself a feminist so want to give her the benefit of the doubt but good gawd she is the opposite of hilarious. I tried but her oblivious privileged white girl observational “someone- might -have- called-me- fat- once- but- I’ve- got- dick- on- speed- dial” humor just doesn’t work for me.

Donny not Mark is Jenny McCarthy’s husband. I wish I didn't know this.

Thanks a lot transphobic jerk. Now I gotta magnanimous and shit today.

People mag probably decided to go with the simple white angle because of the Dolezal controversy. But this lady probably wasn’t aware that she was at least half white, but she is mixed. I noticed they didn’t mention the father of her sisters or the father’s name or lack of one of the birth certificate.