
That came at precisely the right time for me to miss it. I was too cool in '94

Your childhood was terrible

Like, why the fuck would she leave her couch there?

Really? It screams Kill la Kill over Jubei-chan?

Patricia Driscoll accused him of smashing her head into a motorhome wall three times.

Dear Mr. Konrad,

when you're creating an animation meant solely for showcasing your animation skill and not to mention if you're just ONE person then yes you do not need a story for it. Thats what animators do in an animation, they animate, they do not write the story.

You need to go back to school.

the goal of this 2 min clip was not to tell a story but to demonstrate talent and concept. Animators aren't responsible for storyboarding or writing a script, if they can do it its an added plus, what he did was amazing and to do it by himself deserves recognition. He can get better, but for what this is its amazing.

Now playing

The "generic" character designs used in the video makes me feel like its a tribute to the old xiao xiao stick fight videos xD Obviously a difference in the fighting themes though (martial arts =/= superpower dbzish)

I am, in fact great at parties as I keep everyone safe and logically correct.

I'm not worried at all. That's my point. Yannick's last sentence was a hopeful comment that the game will be as well designed for the PC as Borderlands 2. My point is that Turtle Rock, the developers of the Original Left 4 Dead, did a really good job with the PC version of that game, so I doubt we have reason to be

I still have no idea why publishers still do this.

I usually reserve judgement on games until they've had the benefit of an official release, and a critical eye has been cast over the final product but sometimes you just......know. This will be terrible on every conceivable level.

"instead of to the strange flying person who's always following Snake and panning down to his butt at inappropriate times"

"It's still a early, so there are issues with Snake's body turning invisible sometimes"

Turning filet mignon into rice and what, you want praise? GETTHEFUCKOUTOFHERE.

I suppose the people who were unable to play a game that they had purchased probably care. Also, the people who wanted to buy the game and couldn't find it. Plus people who are just generally on the side of the consumer probably care about this type of thing. Certainly enough people to warrant an explanation.