
I wish Destiny had a pre-order bonus that included a story....

Why was pre ordering Battlefield 4 a bad thing?....oh right you must be on console instead of the true home of Battlefield. so sorry

Stephen Totilo: Max Payne is a good game that was a waste of Rockstar's distinct talents.

Time to stop cliking on things you don't want to read, more like.

Time to go back to Kotaku Core!

if you actually care about audio quality then you'd rather be dead than get anything by Beats.

manny pacquio

Deus Ex: Human Revolution wasn't a reboot, it was a prequel.

"Shit, the guy I was passive-aggressively derping on called me out on my poor argument and how I also use "for reasons". Didn't expect that. Better play it cool like I'm too busy to explain myself to people clearly dumber than me."

God's honest truth and no lie: the simple act of remembering enough to talk up Papo & Yo and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons got me seriously choked up. I fought off the temptation to blather on and spoil the endings of either game, deciding instead to home in on how each game used its design to create playable metaphors

Is that Harley without makeup?

Not having played the game, I have no clue what's supposed to be spoiler-y about that image.

amazingly, your incredible PC doesn't come with spell-check

Cool! But sorry to break this down to ya but games aren't natively capped at 60fps. That's just you leaving vsync on in all your games to match your monitors refresh rate.

Funny story: Fox doesn't have feet. Those aren't boots, they're prosthetics. It keeps the blood from rushing to his legs under high G-Forces.

nah he's busy hanging out somewhere else

no one likes a joke they perceive as "at their own expense". Suck it up like every race, religion and handicap has had to do and move on. Shit there's even jokes about diseases that people have no control over. If you stop people from joking about one thing it gives everyone a free pass to force you to stop joking

lol! Nobody enjoys a joke at their own expense. Stop being such a soggy blanket. If one thing is off limits everything becomes off limits.

The other Evas look impressive, but this guy looks like the white power ranger from back in the day.