
(Eddie starts playing Master of Puppets)

When Steve plays Vecna’s ribs like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib twice in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones

Did everyone forget about The Visit? It was just a year or two before Split and it definitely did not “completely suck.

Ha as a kid I would get the Little Orphan Annie collections out from the library (yes, because as soon as I learned to read I wanted to know what Annie was based on... God I was gay). I don’t think it dawned on me for at least ten more years how incredibly strange so many of her adventures in the comics were.

You’re right, of course, that the period people really remember Nancy for was essentially a gag-a-day, often absurdist strip, and that was its longest period. But yeah, I have a sick interest in the history of these strips, and it started as Fritzi Ritz in 1922, one of a series of “flapper strips” from the era that

It saddened me to see so many people commenting in the other story that they don’t believe Takei’s accuser, even when they believe accusers in other cases.

It ends when an example is made and future members realize what is considered punishable behavior.

I like this piece a lot. I’d also differentiate between liberal identity politics (which are, I think, ultimately divisive and self-defeating precisely because they are not intersectional, boiling down complex human identities that incorporate race, class, gender, religion, and background into simple, misleading

This is not the irrational derangement about Bernie Sanders I come to The Root for. This appears to instead be an empathic explanation of the definition of identity politics for both white people who are inherently capable of a POC’s perspective and progressive POC who are wary of nastiness on the left this discussion

Is that... lego Richard Branson?

Yep. I was around for several commenting format changes to the AVClub, and thus didn’t believe the warnings of the coming Kinjapocalypse. Turns out, they were all correct: Kinja killed this community, but good.

i don’t know where else to put it, so i’ll put it here.

So, since a lot of people seem to have forgotten, Mark Regnerus is a Catholic fundamentalist asshole who published a “study” that purported to prove definitively that gay people were not good parents. It was a trash study, and did a lot of damage because at the time it gave anti-gay-marriage advocates an excuse to

I meant “acceptable” as in “acceptable as a fictional narrative that realistically helps suspend reality” you numpty.

That entire passage is absolute bollocks. You can’t name a time Clinton changed her position because of her financial backing from banks because she already had the fucking policy positions they wanted. Why would she need to change?

Maybe they can get the guy who scored Worker and Parasite.

That’s upsetting. It isn’t just the scoring, it’s also most of the original songs. I have the CDs of Songs in the Key of Springfield and Go Simpsonic and they still get regular play on my iPod. He’s going to be tough to replace.

Wow. Fuck this site.

Is there a way to organize the comments so the newest ones show up on top? Can you get some kind of notice when a new comment has been posted?