
because you’ve given them the power to define bannable symbols.

How about not degrading the social safety net?

Now playing

Years ago Elizabeth Warren had a good anecdote about Hillary’s total capitulation to finance between the time when she was First Lady (and so not personally relying on money from any lobbying groups) and the time she was Senator (and relying heavily on funding from the financial industry):

Protesting the removal of the statue wasn’t all they were doing—the rally’s organizer Jason Kessler calls himself a “white rights” activist and invited several white nationalists including Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch and Matthew Heimbach to give addresses (see here and here), rally-goers were chanting slogans like “you

Yes to the Obama question.

A Bernie Bro is someone who who bought into the bullshit right wing lies about Hillary

Yes, Nazis had many people doing slave labor in conditions that weren’t survivable long-term, but I don’t think this was universally true. This article says:

Only on fairly small farms can the owners do all the needed jobs themselves—large-scale farming requires plenty of paid workers in the real world, so if the Nazis found it cheaper to use slave labor than paid labor in factories, it seems like it’s not a stretch to say the same could be true for work on large farms in

Cuban-Americans only make up about 6.5% of Florida’s population, and in both of Obama’s elections about half of them voted Republican, so it’s not like doing well with Cubans is the key to winning Florida. Of those who vote Democrat, I doubt most are one-issue voters who will automatically turn against any Democrat

If he tried to open the emergency exit during midflight, shouldn’t he be charged with something a little more serious than “interfering with a flight crew”? Sudden depressurization at high altitudes can kill people.

A pound of Cucumber has, if you could completely burn it for energy..water and all..the EXACT same caloric content as that pound of chocolate. It’s physics, this is non-negotiable.

If you don’t realize that allowing people to opt out of plans with newborn care will cause plans that do include it to become significantly more expensive, then you don’t understand the first thing about how private health insurance works. If you do realize this but just don’t care, you’re as bad as the Republicans

But a lot of these critics are critizing Obama from the left—of course they are mad at the Republicans who are much more blatant about everything, but they want to move the Democratic party away from the perception that it’s in bed with Wall Street, so criticizing Democrats for this kind of thing has a strategic

Are you talking about her letter here, or about other comments she made about Galloway? I admit I don’t know much about the case, but the letter seems to avoid taking any stand on Galloway’s guilt or innocence and basically says someone shouldn’t be fired based on accusations without some kind of “due process” in

It’s a myth that Sanders supporters were overwhelmingly white (i.e., much more so than the Democratic party as a whole, or than Clinton supporters)—Sanders dominated among several non-black minority groups like Asians and Arabs, and by later in the primary season the hispanic community was close to evenly split. He

It was meant as counter-evidence to the part of your comment I quoted where you said that all studies show that marriage has positive effects on men and negative effects on women—I took “negative” to mean you were saying that married women are on the whole worse off than single women, as opposed to saying they might

All studies done on the subject of marriage show that it has positive effects on men (more money, better health, emotional stability) but negative effects on women (less money, more stress, poorer health, isolation).

Yes, I am. And it fucking galls you, which is why you’re hiding behind a superior attitude and sarcasm.