
I think part of my problem with the senerio that you outline is that it seems that it is based upon the craft iteslf going FTL. In this case, it is Space itself that is being distorted. As such, it would seem that time for both the reference observer and time for the people on the craft should flow at the same rate.

So, essentially, what you are saying is that regardless of the velocity, there exists a frame of reference where the traveller arrives at their destinationbefore they actually left their starting point? This, on the face of it, seems counterintuitive.

Your argument, though persuasive, is based upon a somewhat incomplete understanding of the mechanics involved here.

I didn't mean "traveling through spacetime" to mean anything different than "traveling through space", I just flipped the words unconsciously because we're talking about relativity. And all physicists agree that FTL travel necessarily implies backwards time travel in relativity, this isn't something I made up.

I am talking about what is possible assuming the validity of particularly theoretical models, in this case general relativity. You can say "well, general relativity might be wrong" and you'd be right, in fact almost all physicists think it will turn out to be just an approximation to a future theory of quantum

Again, this is not the accepted definition of vestigial, which refers to features that played a useful role in earlier stages of evolution (there was not an earlier evolutionary stage where male nipples did serve a function in our ancestors, so male nipples are not an example of vestigial features in terms of

Well, it turns out that the various theoretical possibilities of backwards time travel in general relativity (wormholes, warp bubbles etc.) have the limitation that you can't travel back any earlier than the point in space and time where the time machine was first created. So even if it turns out to be possible (and

You should know by now that sarcasm never works on the internet ;)

Well, I apologize for misunderstanding the intent of your comment, but why the "sigh"? There was nothing in your original comment to indicate you weren't taking her seriously (and your later comment about women who "want clothing that they find appropriate and that is it" sounded like an at least somewhat serious

"A lot of these types of posts are from women who don't like this type of sexy attire and have not expressed the same desire as me with giving people the freedom.
They want clothing that they find appropriate and that is it."

The title of the original blog post is "Clothes I’m forced to wear in the majority of MMORPGS", so "forced" probably indicates these games don't give her the option to play a female character in a less revealing outfit.

Right, I'm sure no guys would object if their only character option in game after game was a sexual object for the appreciation of straight ladies/gay men (which is different from the option to play as a barely-clothed "buff as hell guy"). That wouldn't annoy them one tiny bit, not even enough to write a humorous blog

Well, "strongly implied" and "sense coming from them" seems to mean that this was your interpretation of things they said that were at least somewhat ambiguous—maybe your interpretation is right, but your T.A.s aren't here to explain there own views (though I suppose you could google their names to see if they have

Sure, Europeans took control of a few regions within China, but the majority of China was not under European rule, so it wouldn't have made much sense for the T.A.s to blame sexism throughout China on European colonists. Did they really say that all or most sexism in any non-European culture was due to colonialism, or

None of your comments about what the T.A.'s said really shows that they hated women who act feminine, or all men, as suggested by your comment that "PavlovianCog's view was, sadly, the DOMINANT view in the women's studies department at my university". And on that one comment you mentioned about European colonists and

Well, without knowing what you mean by "different perspective" or examples of things they said to you, I can't really judge whether PavlovianCog's description fits the feminists you encountered there, or if you're engaging in some hyperbole. What did they say that was along the lines of "you're a disgrace to your

Well, my point was that it's weird to define "vestigial" in terms of development rather than evolution, because if you do all sorts of things would have to be called "vestigial" that scientists normally wouldn't label that way. Would you call male nipples "vestigial" as Robert T. Gonzales did in the comment I quoted?

"This is the feminist philosophy: We love women. Women are great. But anything feminine sucks and you're a disgrace to your gender if you are feminine. We hate men. Men suck. But anything masculine rules and the more you try to be like men the better a feminist you are."

Very impressive, but I noticed the eyes still looked kind of "wrong" at the very beginning when the light was on them, and then for the rest of the video they were kept in fairly dark shadows. It might be something as simple as not modeling the eyelashes, or it might be that they aren't modeling little tiny eye