although I appreciate that they put a decent amount of effort into making all the expanded universe stiff fit, so if Ridley manages (or chooses) not to negate them I will hail him as a directorial God
although I appreciate that they put a decent amount of effort into making all the expanded universe stiff fit, so if Ridley manages (or chooses) not to negate them I will hail him as a directorial God
And people exclaim the plot is super secret when these trailers continue to pigeon-hole the plot into typical curiosity and wonder turning to tragedy and horror. They go looking for alien life who had previously contacted us. They find a base with a wide variety of alien life with the space jockey being a collector…
This section of the article is using the confusing (and overly "cute", I think) convention of having the word "saw" refer not to what was experienced in his brain, but rather how the image was projected onto his retina. The author is trying to say that for the first time in his life, a right-side up image was being…
A rare sighting of the Pegapus!
What's horrible about scavengers? That's nature in action too, and there'd be more trash and rotting stuff lying around without them. Plus, from an aesthetic point of view I think they're a pretty nice-looking bird.
Wait, what? Who's the predatory fraud? You know "Maggie" is just a fictional character portrayed by an actor, right?
In parts of it, the sound is vaguely reminiscent of the sound in the "Star Gate" sequence from 2001: A Space Odyssey. My God, it's full of Kirks!
Thanks. But is that specific screenshot from the unmodified pilot or Menagerie, or from the DVDs that were modified with CG effects? The compositing looks better than what I'd have expected for 1960s TV, and the exterior seems like it has a bit of a CG look to it, though obviously I could be wrong about those things.
I don't think that shot was ever in the original series, so probably it was either in the DVDs with revamped special effects, or it's just a fan creation. Either way, I never really pictured the original Enterprise having a skylight like that.
Considering that home video, Married with Children, Reality TV and the Morning News have very similar looks, why would anyone want a movie to look like that?
Well, graphic novels can tell realistic stories, plenty of them do (look at "Ghost World" for example). I think History of Violence was about as realistic as a typical crime thriller, and it didn't have any science-fictiony or fantastic or surrealistic elements. But yeah, I'm sure this one won't be as weird as Naked…
I don't know much about this film, but from the trailer it seems at least a bit more "bizarro" than his most recent films (History of Violence and after) which were basically completely realistic.
It doesn't help that biased people keep hiding things like the breast cancer link. It's proven true and time people stopped denying it.
You are ending a potential life, maybe this life could've been the next Einstien, the next Ghandi, the next Martin Luther King. We'll never know for sure, because abortion denies it that chance.
Hey, if a contract is obeyed to the letter of the law, regardless of whether the original understanding of the intent behind the contract is badly subverted or if a big corporation with lots of lawyers takes advantage of the naivete of an artist, anyone who complains is just a bleating, blubbering moron! Likewise fuck …
I don't think "star systems" is the right term either, according to wikipedia it refers to a number of stars bound by gravity (like a binary star system), with or without planets. The terms given on wikipedia are "planetary system", "extrasolar system" and "exoplanetary system", and I think "extrasolar planetary…
Yeah, that theory makes more logical sense, but maybe it doesn't make for as effective drama in a time travel sci-fi movie (if they used that theory in this movie, the older version of him would just be a guy from an alternate future, which might not be quite as effective as the idea that he's literally hunting down…