
I suppose the only part of that home screen that really bums me out in the Y!ahoo weather. Guhhhh, talk about unsightly.

As a young boy, I wouldn't have hesitated to pick up any sort of 8 legged creature. I don't know what it is but it's just not engrained in our heads at that point that a giant, furry spider covered in more furry spiders... is a bad thing. It's merely a tool one can use to scare the shit out of their sister.

All I heard was "wakes me up for sex".

Could they charge you with trespassing?

The only real bummer here, is that in order to Photoshop this, you had to stare at the actual picture for some inordinate amount of time.

Hahahaha, pretty much what we're all trying to avoid at this point.

@taosaur Hahahaha, pretty much what we're all trying to avoid at this point.

I agree with you, a cellphone is a must-have. But... as far as the tablet is concerned; a lot of people are using the tablet as the substitution for a laptop. A tablet with a wireless keyboard can fulfill, virtually, any function that the average consumer needs.

eBay is to MySpace what Craigslist is to Facebook.

What are you selling your 16GB for?

@NOTS I can't believe you would say something that! To tell a 12-year old to Fillabuster My Young Bold Neice After Searching Omaha... just wrong man.

As far as Fb privacy is concerned... it's really not a big deal. Where I went to school, movies and books that I like, as well as my age and gender are things I would have no problem sharing with anyone who asked. It's not like I store my SS on Fb or a list of my fears with my class schedule.


I wonder how this study ties into our dream state. I find myself completely forgetting an entire night of dreams, that is until I lay back down later than night. Being in the same place, with the same smells and memory triggers can help restimulate those old thoughts or feelings that you thought were lost forever.


Did you feel that?

Really makes you feel special!

hahahah, well played sir

Basically, given the information I see before me. I would say both parties were not completely forthcoming in their proceedings. If I were to pay X amount of money to meet up with some people at a bar for a date, I wouldn't be too excited to see cameras there unannounced.

I wish I would have had a better idea of what I wanted to learn. (IE which programming languages would be useful to know, what projects would benefit me later in life, what software i might be using.) Now predicting most of these things would be near impossible but my curriculum could have done better than COBOL and