
So your point is that you can treat an individual in a certain way and it's ok because of cultural leanings? Your larger point is certainly valid, but I don't see why that should get translated into open season on the individual you are with, unless that person treats you like shit. How about everyone stops being

Not saying I agree or disagree with the larger point you've made in the comments, but you are conflating race and nationality. Dressing up as a Dutch or German person (since they can be of any number of races/religions/etc.) isn't the same as blackface or redface (if, in fact, that's what's at issue here).

And you would know about making up things. You know, since you seem to be able to speak so authoritatively on what people you've never met are doing.

And yet Barcelona are 12 points ahead of Madrid. Simmer down there, buddy. Even in Europe, Milan adhered to the formula, but good luck to teams pulling that off with any regularity.

99% chance that mini-bus was 100% full of black people. Botha's starting to get that Mark Fuhrman feel to him. If Pistorius comes out and admits he is black in the next couple of days, we're going to be full-on Orenthal James Simpson.

The strange thing is, as a guy, my parents never once mentioned my looks. Not once. I never thought about it, and I think I would have found it highly bizarre. I think my confidence came out of them never telling me I was attractive or smart; they just spoke to me like I could have an intelligent conversation and I

Yeah, I must collapse on the floor frequently. That's a really good point. I'll take it into consideration.

I don't know why a comment that wasn't intended to be funny would be funny. So, good point. Now that free throw . . . that was hilarious.

I literally collapsed on the floor and started laughing after seeing this. I don't think anything funnier will happen on the internet today.

OK, I'm sure a few exist. But I absolutely don't believe it's close to common. I've run in lots of different social circles, crossing race, geography, culture (both here and abroad), and there are few things that I can say I've seen such a consistent response to from men. It's overwhelming eye-rolling, but I'll do it

Broaden what you read. If you're interested in how feminism affects women, it probably makes sense to educate yourself about how a broad spectrum of women are impacted. There are plenty of places on the web. Or just ask. :) Even if you're just asking a stranger on the internet.

Of course she would. And of course your point about commonality is correct. But that's not the point. The point is not about what feminist spaces should be, but rather how they are. The sentiment raised re: feminism not being a place for black girls is a reflection of feminist spaces as they stand. And, for what it's

This point needs to be made here over and over again. I regularly read Jez and it is so clear to me that the voice of feminism on this website is the voice of a white female feminist. And there's nothing wrong with white female feminists, except that when you aggregate these opinions over time it has a

Haha. Now I'm off to find a "Harlem Shake" video with white girls with J. Crew bags monogrammed with their initials.

Lord willing.

I have yet to meet a guy, single or married or in between, who likes or looks forward to V-Day. Not one. I do know plenty who do nice things for the women in their lives, as I have done. But V-Day, can't stand the concept and don't do it.

You know this will lead to a culture of wanting asshole enhancement surgery and insecurity about one's asshole. Soon people will be considered to have a repulsive asshole unless they have a nose and two eyes with a single teardrop tattooed above their assholes.

Dicks need to hire the pork or pistachio people. Then we can get ad campaigns like: "Dick: The Other Vagina."

White people traveling to brown places and giving travel advice often gives me pause. So much shit I read is so obviously rooted in peddling fear (even if subconsciously) and traveling to places the Google says are DANGEROUS so you can come back and tell the others that the place is SO DANGEROUS (even though you admit

I think she got it post-J-Lo, back when the industry decided that every famous female artist had to be ethnically ambiguous (aka bronze, blond highlights, possibly "Latin-looking," whatever that means). That's the trend, and Beyonce's evolution 100% fits the pattern.