
Yup. I agree. You have to ask yourself questions, not necessarily beat yourself up, but ask some hard questions. Explore. And be open to interpretations where you don't come out shiny. Maybe you come out thinking that you are right. But you still need to ask the questions to ultimately learn and be the best person you

I just happen to think — and not necessarily in this scenario — that when something bad happens to someone, we very often absolve them from the possibility of also being shitty. Often people say things that are one-offs, that originate from a unique moment of hurt. But nice people aren't the only ones who get hurt;

Sure. I wasn't focusing necessarily on the Betsy situation. I veered a little into an area that didn't include cheating. But in the Betsy scenario, sure, dude's a massive dick and a coward. And in that context, maybe her comments aren't THAT bad. I am saying, however, that there are plenty of people who do think like

It's not always that cut and dry. Plenty of people start dating people because they find the other person attractive and nice. Dating is about getting to know someone better. And uninteresting doesn't always present itself in the first week. I don't see why that's somehow an outrageous scenario. And I don't see why

Is this the America of our forefathers? Were Negroes allowed to play? And where is Landon Donovan? Is he on loan?

Jesus. Minority owners are really working on my last nerve. Hey Minority, why don't you work hard living instead of suing people!

Wow. I'm totally using fuck trophy and acting like I made it up. I'm going to be so popular in my next conversation.

Not necessarily. I think, especially when younger, people are susceptible to the optics game, in which someone being attractive, nice, and educated on paper is enough to bite and engage. When I was younger, I definitely was in a few relationships where I didn't find the person to be particularly interesting over time.

The real question is whether you would murder someone to drive down property values to make your dream home more affordable.

Well, there's probably loads of information that we don't have. But we are given what sounds like Betsy's fixation on appearance. It may not accurately reflect how she felt all the time, but it might. And she did say it.

I didn't know what the point was. But if you're right, I absolutely agree with you.

Brian Urlacher also doesn't like it when other team score touchdown. He gets angry. You don't like Brian Urlacher when he angry. Brian Urlacher also don't like WNBA.

That's strange, because my dick doesn't tear, it explodes into confetti. He's doing sex wrong.

Collecting dozens of people's opinions on California speech patterns only reveals the sounds that people are comfortable hearing. Dozens of people could also say that a certain speech pattern sounds ignorant. That doesn't mean it is an accurate reflection of behavior.

It's all about fetishizing otherness. Whiteness is the familiar narrative. Therefore, white people have the privilege of being individuals. All of their actions aren't perceived to be an extension of their color. The stain of this country is that everyone is a thing, a color with distinct traits. Therefore, we

Sarah Palin.

The only respectable thing left to do is join a local JCC league.

Unfortunately, it doesn't say stick to sports in the Constitution. Therefore, our forefathers didn't want it and no one should stick to sports. Still think slavery's cool, though. We got that one completely wrong. I don't think we should be legislating from the contemporary.

I find the whole "ESPN talent" thing completely unnecessary. And untrue.

My favorite part is the twitter moment of silence ... until right before the NFL games kickoff. HUZZAHHHH!! 12 noon, ladies and gentlemen. We believe in things, but do not fuck with the football, Charlie Brown.