
I've just realized the funniest thing about the photo is the number of people who didn't have a problem with it or didn't say anything. Those people include ... (roll credits and Incredible Hulk music) ...

"The only reason racism is more defined than it should be is because Blacks are still taking offense."

The comments for these types of articles are so predictable. You can script the standard defensive white person defense (not always presented by white people) on reflex and then click through the comments to find the latest person to find nothing wrong with it, examples of it being ok, and then something about reverse

Ah, the nebulous African girls. Thus my new charity: For just 10 cents a month, you can provide these poor african children with a country of origin. For the price of a Jolly Rancher, these kids can have a nationality. Now sing us a song, Sarah McLachlan.

Claps slowly. Bravo.

There's a significant difference between your relationship with your father and a romantic relationship with a man. Conflating the two sounds like one of the worst ideas ever, unless you're an early investor in sadness. Nevertheless, your pops sounds like an awesome pops.

I know someone who has first hand ... um ... knowledge of ... yeah, you know. And another commenter on here absolutely nailed it. Figuratively, but it also sounds literally. He's a politician. If you think you're getting a real person, politics probably really disappoints you repeatedly. But as far as politicians go,

Ah, the never-ending AA debate rehashed over and over and over again. The article's author clearly has a limited understanding of the value of diversity. In the real world, problem solving is enhanced by diversity. Maybe not all problems, but certainly many robust problems.

Godfather Pizza needs to sign Michael Vick to a long-term deal. And then Vick needs to become a Godfather franchisee in Denver. And then turf war. Non-sensical Herman Cain-Vick commercials will ensue. And now everything is better.

I assume this study doesn't include the School of Hard Knocks (t-shirt included) as education, because I've seen a lot of those shirts. I believe it is part of the University of Pennsylvania system. Men be learnin'.

Amen. In my experience, men are horndogs, but the dynamics change with every relationship, and although men are generally horndogs, we aren't horndogs under all conditions. The question on tap doesn't offer much for the average human being. It's too general. I feel like people want to understand the dynamics of a

I find the anecdotal evidence from a number of commenters to be accompanied by a significant blind spot. How can you so definitively say, "My best friend is a guy (girl), and there has been nothing between us," as if you are certain about how your "best friend" feels? You can only really definitively speak for