
This gave me a reason to like Chip Kelly.

This is either very subtle trollery, or you've hit Peak Stupid.

It was written by someone inspired by America, you insufferable pedant.

Also, unless you are native American, you are part of those huddled masses. ????? What are you thinking?

We accepted this gift and agreed it stood for our values. Don’t twist by selecting the facts that suit you.

Hey, they didn’t free the slaves either, so let’s get right back to a cotton/sorrow based economy, right?

What did our founding fathers say on immigration?

It’s written on the gateway to this country and we’ve taken in many refugees in the past. Acting like we should turn our backs on human suffering is deplorable.

Gee... that’s a relief. I hear our founding fathers were a bunch of armed, desperate, disaffected limeys, who didn’t even bother to learn the language before they came over here.

You’re a dummy, the founding fathers was 100 years dead by the time the statue came to america. Also, if the founding fathers didn’t do it, then we should pay attention to it or learn from it?

In poetry, you can’t really get much more “official” than being engraved in bronze at the foot of the statue of liberty. If your argument is that we shouldn’t feel compassion for immigrants because this particular poem isn’t literally ratified law, I think you’re going to have to come up with a better argument. (And

“This was never official.”

Sure, but it has also been an important part of our cultural history and repeated by many politicians and taught to us as children. So your point is moot.

No. The statue was a gift from France. Try again.

I mean, fuck poets, right? Their desire for a better world and... fuck it there’s no money in poetry so who cares what poets think, right?

I only trust the word of tax dodging, slave owning, white men born almost 300 years ago too.

“In God We Trust” wasn’t written by the founding fathers either, but the fact that it’s on our currency is constantly used by people as “evidence” that our country is supposedly intended to be non-secular.

I will never defend such behavior, but one should never expect no side effects of USA & UK f*cking up the Middle East


This is from Bing Maps. Fence is up, no tarps on cars.