Hurting Now

The vehicle’s exterior was heavily calcified and was obviously in the water for a significant amount of time.

Who downloads these weird, crappy apps in the first place?

This guide is basically useless because any IT admin worth their salt will not give any employee admin level access to their system. You can search all you want but you’ll never be able to do anything about your company keeping tabs on you. Most of the time these tools are used in the event of something happening so

For a minute there I was happy.

If he’s such a great prognosticator, then why didn’t he open the broadcast with, “Everybody should just go to bed right now, because in a few hours you will all want to kill yourselves.”

I know, i’m shitposting 

You got shared to Kotaku. We’re in a war with Gizmodo to see who has the worst comments section.

Oh good lord, just go put some more beard oil into your beard and loosen up your man bun.  :)

chapter 1 had heart, it had motive,  Wick was a broken man who was pushed to the edge. part 2 was just great action.

It’s beautiful insanity.

John didn’t have to go on a murder spree over a dog

I could watch Keanu Reeves throw assault rifles at people like hatchets all day.

They were always going to be off by a sliver when they weren’t willing to go for the Gould.

Those goal posts are the most stable piece of infrastructure in all of Chicago. 

man here: please send me all your laphroaig 10s

WHOOOOAAAAA you went there!

Funny, she doesn’t look kaijuish...

He was publicly owned yesterday too!

The being exists. Kristen Stewart. Instead of multiple useful personalities she has no personality