Hurting Now

Goddamn it’s just impossible not to like that guy.

“I just wanted to mention the name so it gets in there, so it’s something people can use,” he said. “And sometimes that’s what I can do for things that come out of Legends. I could create just another Captain with some name there or I could put someone like Pellaeon in play.”

I like the narration. That’s the version I grew up with, it’s fine.

“he’s had the freedom to ask me for it whenever he wanted”

That’s not a Pomeranian. It’s a fully grown lion. It just looks like a Pomeranian next to him.

I would have agreed with you, up until the final minutes before the time jump, Thrawn better be fucking alive or I will riot, and they just casually mentioned Pallaeon and then have his transmission cut out? Like wtf Filoni? I’m am seething right now and so livid that even the cool time jump stuff can’t bring my anger

Nah.. Sweet Baby Ray’s has HFCS, and Ach-to doesn’t have corn.

I’d pay 45 cents to see him on tour with Nickleback.

Counter point of Order: Star Wars.

Luke’s wife in the Legends Expanded Universe.

I think we are just not used to villains in these movies with relatable (human) motivations. Empathizing with a villain contributes greatly to the depth of these films, and it is hard to empathize with aliens looking to fire giant beams down from the sky.

He’s far from perfect—indeed, he’s a vicious killer. But he isn’t exactly a villain, either.

One does not simply recast Gary Oldman.

No one taking it seriously seems to be the status quo.

Since the American team is, well, good, she initially competed for her mother’s native Venezuela, before switching her allegiance and representing Hungary...

Answer: there is only one acceptable response to this inquiry, you worthless meatbag.

This isn’t even relevant. That is a different country who is our enemy at the moment. This sounds like it was written in North Korea by the dictator himself. There is no connection whatsoever. If you’re going to criticize the White House, go ahead because you won’t lack material, but please don’t write junk like this

That’s why I read about it. I thought, “here’s a new reader that is cheaper than its value would suggest!”

Your title is confusing, “way too good for it’s price” reads that it’s better than what the price would suggest.

Those stories, bad though they were, could easily be ignored because no one important died.