Hurting Now

We need them to win so media day will be ridiculous.


Or, you know, don’t fucking do drugs while pregnant.

The type of millenials who don’t drink aren’t the ones getting knocked up.

Hold up, you’re still running a 900 series? Dude, do you even compute, bro?

Can’t say I blame her. No actor wants to be typecast.

You have written and entire article taking offense at an entirely imagined slight against the Japanese people. Are you Japanese? No, right? Do you have experience or understanding of Japanese culture? If so you are not giving the impression.

Indeed! Use the first two stages from the Lego S5 kit plus an unofficial build for the Skylab launcher, and then the remaining S-IV + CSM onto an unofficial IB first stage

Indeed! Use the first two stages from the Lego S5 kit plus an unofficial build for the Skylab launcher, and then

Skylab used a Saturn 5. 1B was the LEO rocket.

Skylab used a Saturn 5. 1B was the LEO rocket.

Bought this when it came out, it is awesome, and was awesome to put together. Honestly, I would have paid double, 120 is a steal.

Bought this when it came out, it is awesome, and was awesome to put together. Honestly, I would have paid double,

You are spot on, I lived in a city with an EA office that was there just for QA contract work and I met so many people who would tell me they worked for EA and then when I asked what they did it came out that they were QA contractors. This is like saying you work for Warren Buffet if you work for the company that

A great example for the d-bags who like to say “Kotaku is just clickbait.” Good stuff.

That awesome moment someone on a video game blog is a better investigative journalist this half the media in the nation. Anyway, I believe he is lying(it’s obvious) but I don’t say that to be mean to him. I wonder what was his reason for doing something like this? It seems very strange. I hope this gets an update.

Who cares? What does his phone matter? Psycho shoots up church. Do we think there is critical info on his phone? Like he’s a member of a secret society out to shoot up churches? This is just the FBI/DOJ looking for another excuse to outlaw encryption.

The most useful deals posting ever.

The most useful deals posting ever.

it’s amazing. to my wife’s dismay, it’s our dining table centerpiece

it’s amazing. to my wife’s dismay, it’s our dining table centerpiece

Buy this. Buy it now. I have it, I assembled it, and it’s my favorite LEGO kit, period. The 1969-pieces-for-a-1969-craft thing is cool, but the ship itself is awesome. Awesome displayed standing, awesome displayed in three pieces on the provided stands. Just get it. Think about it after. Buy now.

Buy this. Buy it now. I have it, I assembled it, and it’s my favorite LEGO kit, period. The

Thank you for this, I’ve been wanting this set since it first went on sale but I wasn’t fast enough to get it the first time.

Thank you for this, I’ve been wanting this set since it first went on sale but I wasn’t fast enough to get it the

It’s the human centipede!