Hurting Now

The Lich Queen McCaskey gets her own category: “money that is beyond death”

Jerry’s got both chin-balls deep inside

Having a team in LA affects TV rights deals big time. That pie Jerry’s got both chin-balls deep inside.

Lord of War is such an under appreciated movie.

The “Mary Sue” complaints are so gendered it’s ridiculous. No one ever whined about Anakin Skywalker (all of TEN years old) doing badass things.


I though it was Applemodo. They can’t be both. It would explode.

ande here googlemodo starts again with daily sponsored google articles

Truth be told, the NEST Team in the Transformers movies are practically interchangeable with Joes, too. So you put Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gibson next to Dwayne Johnson and the rest of the Joes, have the MASK technology be integrated into the humans’ arsenal (so they’ve got advanced vehicles that don’t have to be

Like many here I take Patton Oswald comment in the most important light as he has the Nerd Credit

Let’s not forget the best sign so far—George Lucas’s passive aggressive shot at both the movie and the fans:

Well if Rob Liefeld liked it it must be utter garbage! Bet the characters didn’t have feet, had huge bulging ridiculous muscles, blasters bigger then them, pouches all over, and were named Bloodkill.

KInda looks a bit like blue Jem Hadar...

That pass is even more incredible from this angle:

Abrams’ Star Wars is already the best Star Wars movie ever made. How dare you push your heretical “voice of reason”!

Dammit, stop making me feel human emotions. I’m not crying, you’re crying!

You’ve come up with a valid hypothesis based on the evidence presented, but I think you’re making a very dangerous assumption here:

Maybe one day they’ll cross a moral line and kill an opponent’s assistant on the sideline for some sort of advantage no one else comprehend

Wait, wait...Patriots fans think ESPN has an anti-Patriots bias???

Sorry you have to pass through the hemorrhoid dark theme park first.