Hurting Now

Meanwhile, the cow you had for lunch goes sadly unavenged.

So there was a long running rumor that the Moto G would get a full HD screen and a 615 processor. It’s clear that the leaked specs were for Moto X Play, which will not be sold in the US.

How do I, a Gizmodo reader and loyal Jalop, NOT know about this before today?

This brings up an interesting idea. Maybe Herzog should run? His blatant nihilism would be a refreshing balm against all of these smug dummies that think they are doing a good job of convincing us that they are smart. Either that or a minion, I think at this point we deserve a minion.

And Simon Pegg is a clone of Hitler.

And no “The Adventures of Robin Hood” in all its Technicolor glory.

Star wars + Oculus + Unreal Engine 4

Just because there doesn’t seem to be an apparent use for something, that should make it illegal? That seems a bit extreme. Or are you only suggesting applications of guns that you don’t approve of should be illegal?

I’m curious what is the watershed between “Put her in more clothes damn you!” and “slut-shaming a costume choice” is? Probably better asked at Jezebel?

The only prequel I am interested in is one giving the heroic backstory of this great freedom fighter:

I’m really bummed the villains will forever be increasingly powerful Sith lords because Thrawn proved you could have a kickass villain who was just a really smart Muggle. But you can’t have twenty minute lightsaber duels without Sith Lords, so.

Thrawn is what happens. I truly hope they don’t let the big bad be some no name squabbling politician. They do not need to show him until the very end of Episode 7. They can allude to him much like they did with Palpatine in Episode 4. And then after we spend a film seeing how bad ass the new Empire really is, we see

That phone call probably went like this:

+1, you beautiful bastard


I am fairly certain that the 3d printer doesn’t print the darts prepoisoned. So you would have to get poison first.

Or buy an actual blow gun. Those are available on the internet and tons of fun.

See also: Chris Pratt

I’m far less surprised that a government oversight claimed a man was hiding a demilitarized historic artifact and VERY surprised he actually had the 1943 mechanical abomination WORKING!

It’s clearly a British Falcon.