Hurting Now

Yes, thank you, I am well aware of that and would not have even begun to realize this glaring problem had you not pointed it out to me.


Man, I feel you. But like.....I kind of think it is? I don't mean to be needlessly gratuitous (most of the time), but if you asked me "is Microsoft really turning it around or is Microsoft really turning it the fuck around?" the answer is door number 2 no contest.

So after a day of hiking/swimming/being outdoorsy and not showering, I'm supposed to be sold on the idea of sleeping as close as possible to my loved ones?

Of course Stormtrooper armor does something: it increases all Strength codes by 1D for damage purposes only and reduces Dexterity codes by the same die.

Pretending it doesn't exist won't make it go away.

Lando was born with a mustache.

I'm so happy about the episode title. Every time Dave Filoni saves a piece of the EU, an angel gets its wings. (I heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They live on the moons of Iego, I think...)

JJ "could not resist putting his stamp on everything"

Some people just won't be pleased no matter what. I've seen people screaming bloody murder because JJ "could not resist putting his stamp on everything" and slightly redesigned the new X-Wings. (let's ignore he went back to McQuartie design, so it is not "his" stamp at all)

#2 is actually terrible. It asserts that

I would be lying if I didn't admit that I found this clip last year, ripped the audio track off of it, and I play it in my car while I'm driving on the highway.

Or a Jaina solo vibe

I've purchased 3 Chromebooks - two for family members and one for my wife - and we all love them. It's far more convenient to surf the web on a Chromebook than on a phone/tablet, and it's extremely lightweight with a small footprint. It's not cumbersome in your lap, and it doesn't get hot like most laptops do. It

Here's a problem: Grandma needs a Facebook terminal, and you are tech support. Chromebooks solve that problem very nicely.

My daughter is two and her entire room is done in Charlie Brown (which is about to change because she has opinions and my wife is about to Doc McStuffin everything). We took her to the drive-in last weekend and her first movie was Big Hero 6. Drive-Ins are brilliant test runs to see how your kid would do in a

I understand that yes, this is how they do it at the restaurants.

Yes. Kelly's Heroes was one of those movies that my parents raised me on. I think I was the only person in the theater that was grinning ear to ear when "Tiger Tank" was the music for the final sequence of Inglourious Basterds.

He tried to get a shot of his balls, too, but he couldn't fit them in the frame.

I've encountered two black widows in my life. They're terrifying and beautiful. I killed them both.