Hurting Now

We actually have begun saving for a MakerBot (or equivalent) and have had the opportunity to play with one at the local school. While my daughter doesn't need one today, I'm excited to give her the opportunity in the future for this.

I have no desire to see a Star Wars movie that disregards the Expanded Universe story lines. I saw Return of the Jedi 8 times in the theater when I was 5 (odd story - but anyway) then I waited without ANY Star Wars until Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy. I vested my entire teen life and early adulthood into the the EU.

My daughter was born without fingers on her right hand. And while she's only 2 years old, we plan on letter her have the option of using a 3D printed hand.

Lies. Damn Lies. And statistics.

We must be hating on Baen this time around... disappointing to not see any of that work listed here.

How is this the biggest with the HP 14?

Well done. I loved the article last year, but Google's done a great job bringing that experience to the viewer!


I saw Episode II in IMAX first... the movie WAS good. It cut out ALL of Anakin's whiny scenes and dialog. The movie was fun and fast paced at 90 minutes. Then I saw it in a regular movie and well, you know the rest.

Please let there be a multiplayer option... that would be funny as all get out.

Excellent story! Thank you!

Absolutely. +1

Yay! The commenting system continues to SUCK.

Well, this probably doesn't matter to Microsoft or the majority of players, but Internet isn't always available in the the Northwoods of WI. Get 1/2 mile outside of most towns, and your restricted to dialup. No new Xbox for those families.

Why is this so shocking?

I'm going with the: damnit I'm awesome and you all aren't.

As I stare at my phone on my desk, I have an urge to throw it. Wait, how is this different than any other day?

I am a creationist. I believe in a God. But I also see evolution and see that science is evidence of an evolving world/understanding.

Wow, I bought three of those... the HP Jornada in high school, the Moto Lapdock last year, and I had a dreamcast.