Hurting Now

As part of a fairly "conservative" family I completely agree with you. We HAVEN'T met women's (and mens) needs. There needs to be truthful (scientific and moral) education about sex, birth control, and such.

Castle Risk was the only version played in my house growing up... it was the norm for us. I didn't realize that anyone thought it was a failed version.

The Droid Razr is the right "big" size for me... but my wife loves the Galaxy Note size. (leave the sex references alone)

I took the ACT at age 24... while not quite as evil as the SAT, it still sucked. I remember it vividly... 8 years later.

My father MADE me read the book when I was 9 or 10. And I'm a better person because of it.

My God, politicians are idiots.

Oh, wait! Its not installable on the HTC Trophy... at least it won't install for me. Oh well.

This would be all fine and great IF Verizon had a WinMo phone with a camera...

Are you sure you got the right Occupy eviction?

They got one thing right... move your money to credit unions.

This has been available for at least 4 years... but a cool zombie defense weapon none the less.

Perhaps this is one of the Best. Gizmodo. Articles. EVAR!

Look, knives aren't violent... but Guns! Now there's a violence maker!

What is this cash thing you speak of? I rely on a mag-strip or RFID chip.

So if Android is change, and iPhone is "stay the same" does that mean that Android = Democrat iPhone = republican?

I don't blame Culter in the least bit. Mike Martz offense completely SUCKS for the Bears and Jay.

Where do you see Pentile here?

"Considering what you just stated, I have a hard time believing you would turn away an awesome smartphone experience because of a lack of marketing."

I completely agree with your assessment. For me, anyone making $75,000 in Northern Wisconsin can live like a king. Making 75k in Chicago land is barely making it for many people.

Who's your service provider? We are practically a Verizon only area and the HTC leaves a lot to be desired. That is definitely a factor.