"Considering what you just stated, I have a hard time believing you would turn away an awesome smartphone experience because of a lack of marketing."
"Considering what you just stated, I have a hard time believing you would turn away an awesome smartphone experience because of a lack of marketing."
I completely agree with your assessment. For me, anyone making $75,000 in Northern Wisconsin can live like a king. Making 75k in Chicago land is barely making it for many people.
Who's your service provider? We are practically a Verizon only area and the HTC leaves a lot to be desired. That is definitely a factor.
Yep, thanks.
Yep, thanks.
Meh... I still don't see a compelling reason to buy WP7.5 over an Android device. I can argue that WP7.5 could be a business rockstar (for M$ shops), but for consumers, I'm not feeling it.
So its not just me!
Moron needs to handle a firearm with more regard to safety.
These articles have helped my wife and I deal with a tough pregnancy. She was very concerned about the lack of bladder control etc. and these have been a great humorous method to help us talk about it.
Thank you for that warning!
As a man, and a husband who's wife is pregnant, I appreciate this article and will try to be more aware of my wife's feelings...
Careful! A republican might say they cause retardation!
Northern Wisconsin -10
Side Loading is supported! :)
First - I'm an Android guy, a Google Fan Boy, whatever. Just want to be upfront about it.
Alienware M14x is still my baby.
+1 if I could. Well said.
Im in.
I typically have my phone OFF when using a public charging station. That's an easy solution - although not always convenient.