
LASIK. By far my best purchase.

iPhone is going to be the next Blackberry failure.

LOAD "*",8,1

Anyone chew sunflower seeds at work? I do. I wonder what poeple think of me spitting in a cup all day.....

I like it other than the fact it continues to remind me when I am already at that location (and I'm not snoozing them).

Sounds just like Stephen Covey's matrix in his famous "7 Habits of Highly Effective People". RIP Stephen.

ToDo does location based alerts. It's for hard core task users. It syncs with Toodledo.

Where's the love for ToDo?

Only 1, but I think you can modify the keyboard once jailbroken.

Jailbreaking - McAfee's EMM (Enterprise Mobility Management). My company pays for a portion of my personal cell phone. In return I am on call (after hours). I must have EMM installed. Is there a way I can bypass EMMs Jailbreak detection? I would like the benefits of jailbreaking, but currently cannot do it.

Best iPhone keyboard???? THEY ALL SUCK!!!! Work something out with Swype or SwiftKey for crying out loud!

I have a similar app called Speed U. It's not the best, but it looks kind of like Launch Center Pro. Has anyone compared the 2? I'm looking for something better than Speed U.

Yes, AppShopper is awesome. Put any app in the "Wish List" and you'll be notified when there has been an update or if the price drops.

Hey Verizon, "Are you into fitness?" "How about fitness dick in your mouth!"

Why doesn't Flipboard OR Google Currents show all Lifehacker/Gizmodo articles? It's a pain in the ass. And they're out of order....

I Macbook. :-( too expensive.

Having an Android and moving to Apple....oh how I miss Android keyboards!

I made the decision to attempt the creation of iOS apps. I can see how mobile devices will take over the PC industry. Dock your mobile device and you now have your desktop! I see that Ubuntu and Android are teaming up to do this. Problem is I found out you have to have a Mac to write iOS apps! I don't have a grand

Can't wait to try the stuck butter on my armpits!
