
That said they do need to make a new episode to deal with the surge of Pokemon craziness going on now.

When the queen of jiggle goes to jiggle-land, major jigglequakes are expected.

I’d say it’s totally worth the trouble, i know there are many other talented japanese singers who can pull it off but Utada’s songs really feel like an integral part of the Kingdom Hearts games, it won't feel the same without her.

Her songs really worked really well with both the Eva remake movies and Kingdom Hearts games, they matched the moods in both so perfectly, so much it’s hard now to imagine one of them without her songs.

Think he will finish it around chapter 700, means there are at least 20 chapters left, seems resonable to me (i think that was the case with Naruto too).

Personally i’m still following Bleach for its huge cast of colorful characters (both heroes and villains) and their crazy outlandish abilities, story has taken a backseat after the Rescue of Rukia and the following Aizen twist in the early arcs (which i admit was the best written part of Bleach to date), after that

And in case anyone is wondering, he is playing Little Fighter, a chaotic and really fun side-scrolling Beat’em up, i used to play it a lot back in my younger days.

That sounds good to me, Ties would surely fit with the mantra of Overwatch a lot better than Sudden Death (which feels a bit too edgy even for a game that has a character like Reaper in it).

I played Veteran Ironman, i failed first two campgains and and succeded on the third (and i played XCOM:EU and XCOM:EW and finished both on normal diffculty with Ironman), i learned a lot from those two failed XCOM 2 campgains, here is what you need to pay attention to:-

Totally agree.

Animal Companion is a good RNG card, you can plan your next turn after it because you know it will give you one of three companions, all three possibilites also benefit you, either you get a buff for your minions, a taunt or a charge card .. All are good outcomes.

“because whitewashing doesn’t seem to result in box office hits anymore”

It's a trap, it's a traaap XD

Off The Shelve Western Cybetnetic Body ... That’s your argument now, pfffft .. Hahahaha, Oh my god .. The hilarity (wonder why no one in any version of GitS ever brought that up or commented on why she is running around in a Off The Shelve Western Cybetnetic Body that would stand out like a sore thumb .. Hmmm, wonder

The main problem is that you (like the people raping the source matetial to make this abomination of a movie) are ignoring the third choice, make a proper adaption that respects the sourc3 material amd get a good Asian or Asian American actress to play the main role (same for all Asian characters, plenty of Asains and

Your argument makes no sense .. I’m talking about main roles .. The main role in LotR was an unknown actor at the time, same with Harry Potter (which had less well known actors too, yet everyone loved it and we ended up with seven movies, and all the actors who worked there became famous) .. So nothing is fall8ng

Redundant .. The Japanese aren’t handing citizenships left and right to everyone who lives there .. So if you are a Japanese citizen living in Japan, with a Japanese name, born in Japan, working in Japanese government most likely (99% at least) you are of Asian Japanese descent .. It has nothing to with racism ..

It’s not that they don’t know about the medium, they do know .. They just don’t care .. In fact it’s a win-win for them .. All this debate about the movie put Ghost in the Shell in the spotlight again and should impact their manga sales worldwide positively, even if the movie bombs (and it will) they will still be

Wrong, wrong and wrong .. White washing is racism plain and simple ... Racism comes in many ways .. From simple words and misconceptions all the way to shitty horrific shit like the KKK stuff and Neo-Nazi thugs attacking people of non-white ethnicty on the streets .. It’s all varying drgrees of Racism .. You are the